The Doctor She Left Behind. Scarlet Wilson

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The Doctor She Left Behind - Scarlet  Wilson

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all supposed to be filmed jumping from a plane and rowing or snorkelling their way here? What are they doing already on the island?’

      Nathan shrugged. ‘The magic of television. They arrived yesterday when I did. They plan to do the filming later on today, pretending they’ve just set foot on the island. But they haven’t seen the camp yet. They spent last night in one of the cabins and you want to have heard the list of complaints.’

      She shook her head as she looked over the list. ‘More fool me. I had no idea they faked their arrival. Want to take a bet on how quickly one will bail?’

      He held out his fist. Old habits died hard. He and Rachel used to do this all the time. She blinked as if she were having a little flash of memory, then held out her fist, bumping it against his. ‘Six days.’

      He shook his head. ‘Oh, way too ambitious. Four days.’

      She frowned. ‘Really? But they’re doing it for charity. Surely someone wouldn’t give up that easy?’

      He raised his eyebrows. ‘You really think these people are doing it all just for charity?’

      ‘Of course.’ She looked confused and Nathan sighed and picked up the list.

      ‘Let’s see. Darius Cornell—actor—let’s leave him for now. Diamond Dazzle—model—she’s looking for a lingerie contract. Frank Cairns—sportsman—he’s looking for a presenter’s job somewhere. Molly Bates—comedienne—she needs the publicity for her upcoming tour. Tallie Turner—actress—she just needs a job. Pauline Wilding—politician—always likes to be in the papers. Fox—boy band pop star—he’s hoping some teenagers remember his crazy name. Billy X—rapper—with his past history he’s probably about to be arrested for something, and Rainbow Blossom—reality TV star. She probably doesn’t want to fade from the spotlight. Are any of these people actually celebrities? Do any of them have a real name?’

      He saw Rachel’s lips press together and waited for her to immediately go on the offensive for her apparent ex. But she surprised him. She didn’t.

      ‘I didn’t realise you were such a cynic.’

      ‘I guess we really didn’t know each other at all, did we?’ he shot back.

      The words hung in the air between them. He sounded bitter. And he was. But even he was surprised by how quickly the words had come out. They’d never had this conversation before. She’d just told him she was leaving and hotfooted it out of the hospital as if she were being chased by a bunch of killer zombies.

      Five years of missions for Doctors Without Borders had loosened his tongue. He’d dealt with armed conflict, natural disasters and epidemics. He was less willing to placate and tolerate. Life was too short—he knew that now. He and his brother had lost their parents to an accident eight years ago, and he’d lost too many patients all over the world.

      She flopped down into the chair next to him, letting her floral scent drift under his nose. That was new. Rachel didn’t smell like that before. She’d always worn something lighter. This was stronger, more sultry, more like something a woman eight years on would wear. Why would he expect anything to stay the same?

      ‘Actually, you’re right,’ she muttered, going back to the original conversation and completely ignoring his barb. ‘Darius is probably the most well-known of them all. Five of them I don’t recognise and three I’ve never even heard of.’

      It was almost a relief that finally they could agree on something.

      ‘How do you want to do this?’ She pointed to the pile of notes. ‘Do you want to go over each patient individually or do you just want to split them up?’

      Splitting the pile would be easier and quicker. But Nathan wasn’t about to let her off so easy. He needed to have another doctor he could rely on. Rachel had been a good doctor eight years ago—but he’d no idea how she was now. ‘Let’s do them together. That way, if either of us is on call we’re familiar with all the patients. There’s only nine—this won’t take too long.’

      He picked up the nearest set of notes and started flicking. ‘Diamond Dazzle—real name Mandy Brooks. She’s had liposuction, two breast enlargements, one skin biopsy, one irregular smear test and lots of Botox. She apparently had her lips done a week ago—so we’ll need to keep an eye on her for any signs of infection.’

      Rachel shook her head. ‘Why would an already beautiful twenty-two-year-old think she needs all this?’

      Nathan put the file back on the desk. ‘Beats me.’ He folded his arms across his chest. ‘Do you think this makes her ineligible for the challenge? Having spiders or rats crawl over her body—and probably face too—will make her more vulnerable to infection.’

      ‘I think just being in the jungle alone makes her at higher risk. Who would do that? Know that they’re coming somewhere like this and go for a procedure less than a week before?’

      Nathan smiled. He knew exactly where she was coming from but he also knew the answer. ‘Someone who wants to be on TV.’

      Rachel shook her head. Some of her hair was coming loose and the curls were starting to stray around her face. It was odd. She hadn’t aged as much as he had. There were a few tiny lines around her eyes and her body had filled out a little. But nothing else. She was every bit as beautiful as he remembered.

      His face and skin had been weathered by five years of on and off postings in countries around the world. The last had been the worst. The sand felt as if it would never wash off and the darkening of his skin—coupled with lots of lines—made him more weathered. It didn’t help that he felt about a hundred years older.

      ‘Shall we call her in?’ He had to focus on work. That was what they were here to do. Lewis hadn’t lied about everything. On the surface, this could be three weeks of paid vacation time. Supervising the challenges would only take a couple of hours each night. He could live with that.

      Rachel stood up and walked to the door. ‘I’ll get her. They’re down on the beach with the director. Apparently they’re going to make it look like they had to row part way here.’

      Nathan just rolled his eyes.

      It didn’t take long to chat to each celebrity and review their medical files. A few were taking medications that they’d still require in the camp. A few others had intermittent usage of medications for angina, migraines or asthma that Rachel and Nathan agreed they could still take into camp. None of that stuff would be shown on camera.

      Eventually it was time to speak to Darius. As soon as the guy walked into the room Nathan bristled. He just didn’t like him—would never like him. For some reason, the pictures of Darius and Rachel together were imprinted on his brain.

      Rachel smiled nervously. ‘Darius, this is Nathan, the other doctor on duty. We are having a chat with everyone about their medical file and requirements in the camp.’

      Darius had that soap actor look. Clean tanned skin and straight white teeth. He looked as if on occasion he might work out at the gym and he also looked as if he needed to gain a little weight.

      Nathan held up his file as Rachel shifted from foot to foot. ‘There’s not much in here, Darius. If I’m going to be the doctor looking after you I need to know a little more about your medical history.’


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