The Doctor She Left Behind. Scarlet Wilson

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The Doctor She Left Behind - Scarlet  Wilson

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seaplane slowed and bumped to a landing on the water, moving over to a wooden quay. A burly man in a grey T-shirt tinged with sweat grabbed the line so she could open the door and jump down.

      ‘Doc Johnson?’

      She nodded.

      He rolled his eyes. ‘I’m Ron. Welcome to paradise.’

      The wooden quay gave a little sway as she landed on it.

      They walked quickly along the beach and up a path towards the grey portable cabins. ‘Kind of out of place for paradise?’ she said.

      Ron laughed. ‘Is that how they got you out here? Told the same story to the other doc too. But he’s been fine. Said he’s used to sleeping in camp beds anyhow and it doesn’t make any difference to him.’

      A horrible shiver crept down Rachel’s spine. She’d spent five years at university in London with Lewis and a group of other friends. Then another couple of years working in the surrounding London hospitals. Lewis knew everything about her. He knew everything about the guy she’d dated for five years back then. Lewis was the common denominator here. He wouldn’t have done anything stupid, would he?

      Ron showed her up to the three cabins sitting on an incline. ‘The rest of the crew stay along the beach a little. You and the other doc are in here. Medical centre is right next to you. And the one next to that is the most popular cabin on the beach.’

      ‘Showers?’ she said hopefully.

      ‘Nope. Catering,’ he answered with a broad smile.

      ‘Okay. Thanks, Ron.’ She pushed open the door to the cabin and sent a silent prayer upwards.

      The cabin was empty. There was a sitting area in the middle with a sofa. A bathroom with a shower of sorts, and two rooms at either end. It wasn’t quite army camp beds. They were a little better than that. But the rooms were sparse, with only a small chest of drawers and a few hooks on the wall with clothes hangers on them.

      Rachel dumped her rucksack and washed her face and hands, taking a few minutes to change her T-shirt and apply some more mosquito spray and sunscreen.

      Her stomach was doing little flip-flops. It was pathetic really. Ron had only made one remark about a camp bed. It was nothing. It could apply to millions of guys the world over. But she had a bad feeling about this. Lewis had been especially persuasive on the phone. He’d given her the whole ‘my wife is pregnant’ and ‘one of the celebrities is being difficult’ routine. When she’d heard who the celebrity was she hadn’t been surprised. She’d met Darius under unusual circumstances. Both of them had been vulnerable. And he’d loved the thought that by dating a doctor he had an insider’s view of treatments.

      But dating Darius Cornell—Australia’s resident soap opera hunk—had been an experience. They’d dated for just over a year. Just enough to get both of them through. She’d been relieved when the media attention had died down.

      Her stomach flipped over one more time as she walked outside and reached for the door handle of the medical centre. It was strange to be here at his request. But Darius could be handled.

      Her biggest fear was that the person behind this door probably couldn’t.

      He was dreaming. More likely he was having a nightmare. He pushed his hat a little further back on his head and blinked again.

      No. She was still there.

      Rachel Johnson. Brown hair tied in a ponytail, slightly suntanned skin and angry brown eyes set off by her pink T-shirt.

      ‘Just when I thought this couldn’t get any worse.’ He pulled his feet off the desk.

      Her lips tightened and her gaze narrowed. ‘I’m going to kill Lewis Blake. I’m going to kill him with my bare hands. There’s no way I’m getting stuck on this island with you for three weeks.’ She folded her arms across her chest.

      He pointed out at the sky. ‘Too late, Rach. You just missed your ride home.’ The seaplane was heading off in the distance.

      Her forehead creased into a deep frown. ‘No way. There must be a boat. Another island nearby. How do they get supplies?’

      Nathan shrugged. ‘Not sure. I’ve only been here a day. And don’t worry. I’m just as happy to see you. Particularly when I’ve just looked through the medical notes and saw your lovely ex is one of the celebs. No wonder you’re here.’

      He couldn’t help it. When they’d split up years ago Rachel had come to Australia and a few months later been photographed by the press with her new boyfriend—an Australian soap star. It had been hard enough to get over the split, but seeing his ex all over the press when he’d been left behind to take care of his younger brother had just rubbed salt in the wounds. She’d gone to Australia. The place they’d planned to go to together.

      ‘What exactly are you doing here, Nathan? You seem the last person who’d want a job like this.’

      He raised his eyebrows. ‘And what’s that supposed to mean?’

      She shrugged. ‘I’d heard you were working for Doctors Without Borders. Celebrity Island seems a bit of a stretch of the imagination.’

      He tried to ignore the little surge of pleasure that sparked; she’d been interested enough to find out where he worked. He’d never wanted to ask any of their mutual friends where Rachel was. Everyone knew that she’d gone to Australia without him and they were much too tactful to bring up her name.

      He folded his arms across his chest. ‘I think you know exactly why I’m here. At a guess I’d say he hoodwinked me just as much as he hoodwinked you.’ He gave his hands a little rub together. ‘But don’t worry. I’ve got three weeks to think of what I’ll do to him when I get back.’

      She frowned again. ‘How did he get in touch?’

      Nathan’s gaze met hers. ‘I’ve been working with him.’

      ‘In A & E?’

      Nathan shrugged. ‘Seemed the most logical place to work after five missions with Doctors Without Borders. He offered me the job as soon as my feet hit Australian soil.’

      She gave a little nod. He could almost hear her brain ticking. He’d been the logical one and she’d been the emotional one. He’d thought they’d counterbalanced each other and worked well together. He’d been wrong.

      ‘And don’t think I’ve not noticed.’

      Her cheeks were flooded with colour. ‘Noticed what?’ she snapped.

      ‘That there’s information missing from his medical file. What does your boyfriend have to hide?’

      ‘Stop calling him that. He’s not my boyfriend. Hasn’t been for more than seven years. It might have escaped your notice but he’s actually engaged to someone else. There’s absolutely nothing between us.’ She was getting angrier and angrier as she spoke. The colour was rushing up her face to the tips of her ears. He’d forgotten how mad she could get about things. Particularly when something mattered to her.

      He lifted up the nearest folder. It took both hands.

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