English Grammar for University Students. Part 4. Марина Воловикова

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English Grammar for University Students. Part 4 - Марина Воловикова

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better not borrow Diane’s books without asking her.

      She’d sooner die than give up.

      3. After verbs of sense perception (see, notice, watch, observe, hear, feel, smell, etc.) as a part of the Objective Infinitive Construction.

      I watched .

      We noticed away from the building.

      Note, that in passive sentences with these verbs a to-Infinitive is used.

      He was watched to arrive.

      He was noticed to run away from the house.

      4. After verbs of inducement (let, make, have) as a part of the Objective Infinitive Construction.

      I made wait outside.

      John lets on the sofa.

      But! Peter was made to wait outside.

      5. After phrases with but (cannot but, anything but, nothing but).

      I could not but congratulate him.

      She can do everything but cook.

      6. In why-sentences, both affirmative and negative, where it expresses a suggestion.

      Why not take advantage of the situation?

      Why go there so late?

      Why make so much noise?

      7. In cases when two Infinitives are joined by ‘and’ or ‘or’, bare Infinitive can be used.

      I want to go out and have fun and relax.

      Syntactical functions of the infinitive

      The Infinitive may be used in a number of syntactical functions in which it may stand alone, form an Infinitive phrase or a predicative construction.

      1. Subject

      Non-perfect active forms are more widely used in this function.

       To speak foreign languages well is an advantage.

       To have got the job in the face of such stiff competition was a great achievement.

      The subject expressed by the Infinitive may be introduced by the so-called introductory it, which stands at the beginning of the sentence.

      It is sometimes difficult to accept the truth.

      It may be advisable to consult a specialist.

      The Infinitive is a part of a complex subject as a part of the Subjective Infinitive Construction.

       He was seen toenter the room.

      1. Part of the predicate

      The Infinitive is used in predicates of several types, both nominal and verbal.

      a) Predicative (part of a compound nominal predicate)

      My dream is to travel around the world.

      Sometimes doing the right thing is to do nothing at all.

      b) Secondary predicative (part of a predicative)

      She is .

      He is .

      The house is .

      In this function the action expressed by the Infinitive is aimed at the subject.

      c) Part of a compound verbal predicate

      The Infinitive is used in a compound verbal modal predicate after modal verbs, modal expressions, and verbs with modal meaning.

      Do you really have to leave so early?

      I am willing to go to the theatre with you.

      Jane likes to fish.

      The Infinitive serves as a part of a compound verbal aspect predicate after verbs denoting beginning, continuation, repetition or cessation of the action. These verbs are to begin, to come, to start, to continue, to go on, etc.

      Schoolchildren begin to study at half past eight.

      We used to go swimming every evening when in Nice.

      At the next lesson the teacher went on to explain the functions of the Infinitive.

      The above mentioned verbs can also be used with a Gerund, although with a certain difference in meaning.

      For example, the verb to stop + Gerund means to finish an action, to interrupt, as for to stop + Infinitive, it means to make a pause in order to do something. That is why the Infinitive after the verb to stop is used in the function of an adverbial modifier of purpose.

      He stopped smoking for health reasons.

      He stopped to rest for a few minutes

      Go on + Gerund means to continue with the action. Go on + Infinitive means to do the next action, or change the activity.

      He went on speaking for two hours.

      After her early teaching career she went on to become a doctor.

      3. Object

      Most commonly used verbs followed by the Infinitive are the following: afford, agree, aim, appear, arrange, bother, care, claim, consent, decide, demand, determine, fail, guarantee, hesitate, hope, learn, manage, offer, prepare, pretend, proceed, promise, propose, refuse, resolve, seek, strive, swear, threaten, trouble, undertake, volunteer, vow.


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