The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, February 1844. Various

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The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, February 1844 - Various

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brightest and best in the lists of fame?

      The light of Mercy’s all-hallowed ray

      To look with grief on the culprit’s way?

      Nay! watch the smile and the flushing brow,

      And in that crowd what read ye now?

      The daring spirit and purpose high,

      The fiery glance of the eagle eye

      That marked the Roman’s haughty pride,

      In the days of yore by the Tiber’s side?

      The stern resolve of the patriot’s breast,

      When the warrior’s zeal has sunk to rest?

      No! Mercy has fled from the hardened heart,

      And Justice and Truth in her steps depart,

      And the fires of hell rage fierce and warm

      Mid the fitful strife of the spirit’s storm.

      But a wail is borne on the troubled air:

      What victim comes those frowns to dare?

      ’Tis woman’s form and woman’s eye,

      That Time hath passed full lightly by;

      The limner’s art in vain might trace

      The glorious beauty and winning grace

      Of that fair girl; youth’s sunny day

      Flings its radiance over life’s changing way:

      Why has she left her princely home,

      Why to that hall a suppliant come?

      Her heart is sad with a deepening gloom,

      For Hope has found in her heart a tomb.

      With quiv’ring lip, and eye whose light

      Is faint as the moon in a cloudy night,

      And with cheek as pale as the crimson glow

      That the sunset casts on the spotless snow;

      Nerved with the strength of wild despair,

      Low at their feet she pours her prayer:

          ‘My home! my home! is desolate,

              For ye have slain them all,

          And cast upon the light of Love

              Death’s cold and fearful pall.

          We knelt in agony to save

              My father’s silver hair,

          Ye would not mark the bitter tears,

              Nor list the frantic prayer!

          ‘And then ye took my mother too:

              Ye must remember now

          The words that lingered on her lip,

              The grief upon her brow;

          My sister wept in bitter wo—

              Her dark and earnest eyes

          Asked for the mercy ye will seek

              In vain in yonder skies!

          ‘But your hearts were like the flinty rock,

              And cold as ocean’s foam;

          You tore them from my clasping arms,

              And bore them from our home:

          And now my brothers ye will slay!

              But they are proud and high,

          And come with spirits brave and true,

              Your tortures to defy.

          ‘I will not ask from you their lives,

              I will not seek to roll

          The clouds of midnight from your hearts;

              Ye cannot touch the soul!

          But grant my prayer, and I will pray

              For you in yonder sky;

          Oh, God! I ask a little thing—

              I ask with them to die!’

      But the burning words fell cold and lone,

      As the sun’s warm rays on a marble stone;

      Life was a curse too bitter and wild

      For the broken heart of Earth’s weary child;

      And the stricken one found a self-sought grave

      ’Neath the crystal light of the foaming wave.

Shelter-Island.Mary Gardiner.




      ‘Bury me in the valley, beneath the willows where I have watched the rippling waves, among the scenes of beauty which I loved so well, oh! my friend!’ exclaimed the dying youth; and as he grasped my hand his lips moved tremblingly, tears gushed upon his wan cheeks, and an expression of very sadness stole upon him. His looks were lingering; such as one flings back upon some paradise of beauty which he leaves forever; some home which childhood has endeared to him, and affection has filled with the loves and graces. Pity touched my soul as I regarded silently that beaming countenance, alas! so shrunken from the swelling, undulating lines of his hilarious health; a pity such as one feels whose hopes are too inexplicably bound up with another’s, who shares his very being, and who knows by all the sympathies of a brother’s bosom that the other’s heart-strings are snapping. Animæ dimidium meæ!—beautiful expression of the poet, comprehended less while life unites, than when death severs. It is only when gazing on the seal which has been set, we inquire ‘Where is the spirit?’ and struggle in vain to understand that great difference; when the smiles which shed their sunshine have rapidly vanished, and the voice we loved has died away like the music of a harp; when that which was light, joy, wit, eloquence, has departed with the latest breath; when, in short, we are awakened from our revery by the clods falling on the coffin, and the mourners moving away; it is then that the soul, diminished of its essence, flits away with a strange sense to its unjoyous abode, as a bird would return to its lonely nest.

      There never existed one who more lived and moved, and had his spiritual being in the affections; a sensitive nature wooed into life by the kindness of the faintest breath, but killingly crushed by the footsteps of the thoughtless or the cruel. For such a one, life is well deserving of the epithet applied to it by the poet Virgil: dulcis vita, sweet life. It is not a vulgar sensuality, a Lethean torpor; the triumph of the grosser nature over the eternal principle within. It is already a separation of the carnal from the spiritual; a refinement of fierce passions; a present divorce from a close and clinging alliance; a foretaste of the waters of life; in short, the very essence and devotion of a pure religion. Would it seem strangely inconsistent that a being of so sweet a character as I shall describe him, my poor young friend declared, with a gush of the bitterest tears, that he could not go into the dark valley, for he loved life with an inconceivable, passionate love? His was the very agony and pathos of the dying Hoffman, when almost with his latest breath, he alluded to ‘the sweet habitude of being.’ But it was only, thanks be to God! a short defection, a momentary clouding of that bright faith which was destined soon to see beyond the vale. His tears ceased to flow, glistened a moment, and then passed away as if they had been wiped by some gentle hand.

      He leaned upon a soft couch, so very pale and haggard that his hour seemed

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