The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, February 1844. Various

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The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, February 1844 - Various

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the vassal troops of Britain came

          With bayonet, sword and brand.

      ‘To-day it speaks to us!’

          Of brave deeds nobly done,

      When patriot hearts beat high with hope,

          Ere Freedom’s cause was won:

      Of the conflict fierce, where fell

          New-England’s valiant men,

      Who waved their country’s banner high,

          Though warm blood dyed it then!

      And will its voice be still

          When the thousands of to-day,

      Who have come like pilgrim-worshippers,

          From earth shall pass away?

      Oh no! ‘the potent orator’

          To future times shall tell

      Where Prescott, Brooks, and Putnam fought,

          Where gallant Warren fell.

      ’Twill speak of these, and others—

          Of brave men, born and nurst

      In stormy times, on Danger’s lap.

          Who dared Oppression’s worst:

      Of Vernon’s chief, and he who came

          Across the Atlantic flood,

      To offer to the patriot’s God

          A sacrifice of blood.

      Long as the ‘Bay State’ cherishes

          One thought of sainted sires,

      Long as the day-god greets her cliffs,

          Or gilds her domes and spires;

      Long as her granite hills remain

          Firm fixed, so long shall be

      Yon Monument on Bunker’s height

          A beacon for the free!




      Morning; eight on the clock. Billing’s Hotel, Trenton. Outside, a clear bright sun glancing down through an atmosphere sparkling with frost, upon as fine a road for a sleigh-ride as ever tempted green-mountain boys and girls for a moonlight flit. Inside, a well-furnished breakfast-table, beef-steak, coffee, toast, etc., etc. On the one side of it your correspondent; serious, as if he considered breakfast a thing to be attended to. He is somewhat, as the lady on the other side of the table says, somewhat in the ‘sear leaf,’ by which name indeed she is pleased to call him; but there is enough of spring in her, to suffice for all deficiencies in him. Like the morning, she is a little

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