Life and Death of Mr. Badman. John Bunyan

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Life and Death of Mr. Badman - John Bunyan

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      Atten.  Truly it was, as I said, a bad beginning, he served the Devil betimes; yea he became a Nurse to one of his 11 Brats, for a spirit of Lying is the Devils Brat, 12 for he is a Liar and the Father of it.

      Wise.  Right, he is the Father of it indeed.  A Lie is begot by the Devil, as the Father, and is brought forth by the wicked heart, as the Mother: wherefore another Scripture also saith, Why hath Satan filled thy heart to lye, 13 &c.  Yea, he calleth the heart that is big with a lye, an heart that hath Conceived, that is, by the Devil.  Why hast thou conceived this thing in thy heart, thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.  True, his lye was a lye of the highest nature, but every lye hath the 14 same Father and Mother as had the lie last spoken of.  For he is a lier, and the Father of it.  A lie then is the Brat of Hell, and it cannot 15 be in the heart before the person has committed a kind of spiritual Adultery with the Devil.  That Soul therefore that telleth a known lie, has lien with, and conceived it by lying with the Devil, the only Father of lies.  For a lie has only one Father and Mother, the Devil and the Heart.  No marvel therefore if the hearts that hatch and bring forth Lies, be so much of complexion with the Devil.  Yea, no marvel though God and Christ have so bent their Word against lyers: a lyer is weded to the Devil himself.

      Atten.  It seems a marvellous thing in mine eyes, that since a lye is the Offspring of the devill, and since a lye brings the soul to the very den of Devils, to wit, the dark dungeon of hell; that men should be so desperately wicked as to accustom themselves to so horrible a thing.

      Wise.  It seems also marvellous to me, specially when I observe for how little a matter some men will study, contrive, make and tell a lye.  You shall have some that will lye it over and over, and that for a peny 16 profit.  Yea, lye and stand in it, although they know that they lye: yea, you shall have some men that will not stick to tell lye after lye, though themselves get nothing thereby; They will tell lyes in their ordinary discourse with their Neighbours, also their News, their Jests, and their Tales must needs be adorned with lyes; or else they seem to bear no good sound to the ear, nor shew much to the fancie of him to whom they are told.  But alas, what will these lyers doe, when, for their lyes they shall be tumbled down into hell, to that Devil that did beget those lyes in their heart, and so be tormented by fire and brimstone, with him, and that for ever and ever, for their lyes?

      Atten.  Can you not give one some example of Gods Judgements upon lyers, that one may tell them to lyers when one hears them lye, if perhaps they may by the hearing thereof, be made afraid, and ashamed to lye.

      Wise.  Examples! why, 17 Saphira and his wife are examples enough to put a stop, one would think, to a spirit addicted thereto, for they both were stricken down dead for telling a lye, and that by God himself, in the midst of a company of people.  But if Gods threatning of Liers with Hell-fire, and with the loss of the Kingdom of Heaven, will not prevail with them to leave off to lie and make lies, it cannot be imagined that a relation of temporal Judgements that have swept liers out of the World heretofore, should do it.  Now, as I said, this Lying was one of the first sins that Mr. Badman was addicted to, and he could make them and tell them fearfully.

      Atten.  I am sorry to hear this of him, and so much the more because, as I fear, this sin did not reign in him 18 alone; for usually one that is accustomed to lying, is also accustomed to other evils besides, and if it were not so also with Mr. Badman, it would be indeed a wonder.

      Wise.  You say true, the lier is a Captive slave of more than the spirit of lying: and therefore this Mr. Badman, as he was a lier from a Child, so he was also much given to 19 pilfer and steal, so that what he could, as we say, handsomly lay his hands on, that was counted his own, whether they were the things of his fellow Children; or if he could lay hold of any thing at a Neighbours house, he would take it away; you must understand me of Trifles; for being let but a Child he attempted no great matter, especially at first.  But yet as he grew up in strength and ripeness of wit, so he attempted to pilfer and steal things still of more value than at first.  He took at last great pleasure in robbing of Gardens and Orchards; and as he grew up, to steal Pullen from the Neighbourhood: Yea, what was his 20 Fathers, could not escape his fingers, all was Fish that came to his Net, so hardened, at last, was he in this mischief also.

      Atten.  You make me wonder more and more.  What, play the Thief too!  What play the Thief so soon!  He could not but know, though he was but a Child, that what he took from others, was none of his own.  Besides, if his Father was a good man, as you say, it could not be, but he must also hear from him, that to steal was to transgress the Law of God, and so to run the hazard of eternal Damnation.

      Wise.  His Father was not wanting to use the means to reclaim him, often urging, as I have been told, that saying in the Law of Moses, 21 Thou shalt not steal: And also that, This is the Curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth, for every one that stealeth shall be cut off, &c. 22  The light of Nature also, though he was little, must needs shew him that what he took from others, was not his own, and that he would not willingly have been served so himself.  But all was to no purpose, let Father and Conscience say what they would to him, he would go on, he was resolved to go on in his wickedness.

      Atten.  But his Father would, as you intimate, sometimes rebuke him for his wickedness; pray how would he carry it then?

      Wise.  How! why, like to a Thief that is found.  He would stand 23 gloating, and hanging down his head in a sullen, pouching manner, (a body might read, as we use to say, the picture of Ill-luck in his face,) and when his Father did demand his answer to such questions concerning his Villany, he would grumble and mutter at him, and that should be all he could get.

      Atten.  But you said that he would also rob his Father, methinks that was an unnatural thing.

      Wise.  Natural or unnatural, all is one to a Thief.  Beside, you must think that he had likewise Companions to whom he was, for the wickedness that he saw in them, more 24 firmly knit, than either to Father or Mother.  Yea, and what had he cared if Father and Mother had died for grief for him.  Their death would have been, as he would have counted, great release and liberty to him: For the truth is, they and their counsel was his Bondage; yea, and if I forget not, I have heard some say, that when he was, at times, among his Companions, he would greatly 25 rejoyce to think that his Parents were old, and could not live long, and then, quoth he, I shall be mine own man, to do what I list without their controul.

      Atten.  Then it seems he counted that robbing of his Parents was no crime.

      Wise.  None at all, and therefore he fell directly under that Sentence, Whoso robbeth his Father or his Mother, and saith it is no transgression, the same is the companion of a destroyer.  And for that he set so light by them as to their Persons and Counsels, ’twas a sign that at present he was of a very abominable spirit, 26 and that some Judgement waited to take hold of him in time to come.

      Atten.  But can you imagin what it was, I mean, in his conceit (for I speak not now of the suggestions of Satan, by which doubtless he was put on to do these things,) I say what it should be in his conceit, that should make him think that this his manner of pilfering and stealing

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Joh. 8. 44.


The Devils Brat.


Acts 5. 3, 4.


The Father and Mother of a Lie.




Some will tell a Lie for a Peny profit.


An Example for Lyers.  Acts 5.


A Spirit of Lying accompanyed with other sins.


Badman given to pilfer.


Badman would rob his Father.


Exod. 20. 15.


Zech. 5. 3.


Jer. 2. 26.  How Badman did use to carry it when his Father used to chide him for his sins.


Badman more firmly knit to his Companions than either to Father or Mother.


Badman would rejoyce to think that his Parents death were at hand.


1 Sam. 2. 25.