The Lighthouse. Robert Michael Ballantyne
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“I can.”
“Yes, exactly, for it happened that I was a little later than I promised, and the skipper pointed to his watch, as I came up the side, and jocularly shook his head at me. It was exactly eleven p.m.”
“Sure and sartin o’ that?” enquired the captain, earnestly.
“Quite, and his watch must have been right, for the town-clock rung the hour at the same time.”
“Is that skipper alive?”
“Would he swear to that?”
“I think he would.”
“D’ye know where he is?”
“I do. He’s on a voyage to the West Indies, and won’t be home for two months, I believe.”
“Humph!” said the captain, with a disappointed look. “However, it can’t be helped; but I see my way now to get you out o’ this fix. You know, I suppose, that they’re buildin’ a lighthouse on the Bell Rock just now; well, the workmen go off to it for a month at a time, I believe, if not longer, and don’t come ashore, and it’s such a dangerous place, and troublesome to get to, that nobody almost ever goes out to it from this place, except those who have to do with it. Now, lad, you’ll go down to the workyard the first thing in the mornin’, before daylight, and engage to go off to work at the Bell Rock. You’ll keep all snug and quiet, and nobody’ll be a bit the wiser. You’ll be earnin’ good wages, and in the meantime I’ll set about gettin’ things in trim to put you all square.”
“But I see many difficulties ahead,” objected Ruby.
“Of course ye do,” retorted the captain. “Did ye ever hear or see anything on this earth that hadn’t rocks ahead o’ some sort? It’s our business to steer past ’em, lad, not to ’bout ship and steer away. But state yer difficulties.”
“Well, in the first place, I’m not a stonemason or a carpenter, and I suppose masons and carpenters are the men most wanted there.”
“Not at all, blacksmiths are wanted there,” said the captain, “and I know that you were trained to that work as a boy.”
“True, I can do somewhat with the hammer, but mayhap they won’t engage me.”
“But they will engage you, lad, for they are hard up for an assistant blacksmith just now, and I happen to be hand-and-glove with some o’ the chief men of the yard, who’ll be happy to take anyone recommended by me.”
“Well, uncle, but suppose I do go off to the rock, what chance have you of making things appear better than they are at present?”
“I’ll explain that, lad. In the first place, Major Stewart is a gentleman, out-and-out, and will listen to the truth. He swears that the robbery took place at one o’clock in the mornin’, for he looked at his watch and at the clock of the house, and heard it ring in the town, just as the thieves cleared off over the wall. Now, if I can get your old skipper to take a run here on his return from the West Indies, he’ll swear that you was sailin’ out to the North Sea before twelve, and that’ll prove that you couldn’t have had nothin’ to do with it, d’ye see?”
“It sounds well,” said Ruby dubiously, “but do you think the lawyers will see things in the light you do?”
“Hang the lawyers! d’ye think they will shut their eyes to the truth?”
“Perhaps they may, in which case they will hang me, and so prevent my taking your advice to hang them,” said Ruby.
“Well, well, but you agree to my plan?” asked the captain.
“Shall I agree, Minnie? it will separate me from you again for some time.”
“Yet it is necessary,” answered Minnie, sadly; “yes, I think you should agree to go.”
“Very well, then, that’s settled,” said Ruby, “and now let us drop the subject, because I have other things to speak of; and if I must start before daylight my time with you will be short—”
“Come here a bit, nephy, I want to have a private word with ’ee in my cabin,” said the captain, interrupting him, and going into his own room. Ruby rose and followed.
“You haven’t any—”
The captain stopped, stroked his bald head, and looked perplexed.
“Well, uncle?”
“Well, nephy, you haven’t—in short, have ye got any money about you, lad?”
“Money? yes, a little; but why do you ask?”
“Well, the fact is, that your poor mother is hard up just now,” said the captain earnestly, “an’ I’ve given her the last penny I have o’ my own; but she’s quite—”
Ruby interrupted his uncle at this point with a boisterous laugh. At the same time he flung open the door and dragged the old man with gentle violence back to the kitchen.
“Come here, uncle.”
“But, avast! nephy, I haven’t told ye all yet.”
“Oh! don’t bother me with such trifles just now,” cried Ruby, thrusting his uncle into a chair and resuming his own seat at his mother’s side; “we’ll speak of that at some other time; meanwhile let me talk to mother.”
“Minnie, dear,” he continued, “who keeps the cash here; you or mother?”
“Well, we keep it between us,” said Minnie, smiling; “your mother keeps it in her drawer and gives me the key when I want any, and I keep an account of it.”
“Ah! well, mother, I have a favour to ask of you before I go.”
“Well, Ruby?”
“It is that you will take care of my cash for me. I have got a goodish lot of it, and find it rather heavy to carry in my pockets—so, hold your apron steady and I’ll give it to you.”
Saying this he began to empty handful after handful of coppers into the old woman’s apron; then, remarking that “that was all the browns”, he began to place handful after handful of shillings and sixpences on the top of the pile until the copper was hid by silver.
The old lady, as usual when surprised, became speechless; the captain smiled and Minnie laughed, but when Ruby put his hand into another pocket and began to draw forth golden sovereigns, and pour them into his mother’s lap, the captain became supremely amazed, the old woman laughed, and,—so strangely contradictory and unaccountable is human nature,—Minnie began to cry.
Poor girl! the tax upon her strength had been heavier than anyone knew, heavier than she could bear, and the sorrow of knowing,