I Am. Aldivan Teixeira Torres
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— I am very happy, partner. (Renato)
— How come you are here, Renato? (The seer)
— The guardian lady gave me your co-ordinations. She stressed the astral importance of this moment. It is as if it were a restart of everything built up to now— He explained.
— Caramba! First the message from my father and now you are all present here. Would it be a new adventure, Rafael? (Divine)
— Precisely. We came to help you in the continuation of your work. (Rafael)
— Ok. What is the first step? (The seer)
— It is up to you to decide. Only then you will find the answers. (Uriel)
Uriel answer was reasonable. As a human being, he was free to choose the best way and intuitively he knew that would be the right choice. His father was wonderful and expressed himself through his person and that was what the angels recognised. With a brief analysis, he takes a decision and tells his friends:
— Very well. I have decided. The experience in Sodorra, showed the direction of my true mission: I look for the sinners and their liberation from darkness. I want to bring them to my kingdom where they will have peace, plenty, justice and happiness if they accept me as king and brother. “I am” invites you to a journey.
— I am at your disposal. Since the first time, I am your right and left arm of any work. (Renato)
— I will accompany you and protect you from any evil. (Uriel)
— I will always be your adviser. (Rafael)
— Thank you all. Follow me. (The seer)
Having said that, the train departed. The next stop would be the seer’s home, where they were going to get food, clothes and money for the journey’s expenses. The dice were rolled.
On the way, they have the chance of talking a little and enjoying the beginning of the new year at the village. The land of Aldivan and Renato was a tranquil and pleasant place to live at, full of cultured, polite and welcoming people. This restart of their lives was promising.
A while later, the group reaches its destination. With the help of the seer, the suitcases are packed, they then get together and depart for the first destination. They go through the village centre, take the main road and after one hundred metres are already beside the road BR 232. They wait a while, talking lively about the journey’s plans.
Twenty minutes later, the bus arrives, they board it and then a twenty kilometres trip starts, towards the capital of the outback, the beautiful, beloved and important Arcoverde.
In the car, a dark grey coloured 15 seats combi, they try to keep busy, being it making small talk with other passengers, listening to music or even enjoying the enchanting typical provincial landscape of the Brazilian northeast interior. Without a doubt one of the most beautiful places in the world.
At a medium speed, they cover the distance in twenty minutes, alight at the bus stop, say goodbye, pay the fare and continue the walk on foot through the town’s main avenues.
Helped by the angels, the first stop chosen is the Cathedral of the Deliverance. They climb up the stairs, go in the main area and kneel in front of the sacrosanct altar. There are other people around, but each one has the freedom of saying his inner prayers in a perfect and individual communion with the creator.
When they finish the prayers, something calls the attention of the members of the group: A young blonde woman, 1.75 m tall, rosy cheeks, thick legs and arms, thin body, wearing a pink pair of dungarees, who could not stop crying. They decide to approach and address the unhappy creature:
— How can I help you, miss? Any problem? (The seer)
— No. Nothing that concerns you. (Young lady)
— Don’t talk to him like that. He only wants to help. (Rafael)
— Beg your pardon. It is that I don’t understand the sudden interest of strangers about me. (Young lady)
— I understand it. What is your name? (The seer)
— Rafaela Ferreira. And yours?
— My name is Rafael Potester.
— My name is Uriel Ikiriri.
— I am called Renato.
— I am Aldivan Teixeira Torres, also known as the son of God, Divine or seer. I want to tell you, apart from what is happening, that there is a solution for everything. Suffice you having more confidence in yourself, the father and in me. I am here to help you.
Rafaela was astonished. Who was that mad person thinking of himself as the son of God? In her perturbed mind, nothing and nobody could help her, and her destiny was perdition or the first bridge she found to jump off. Those words despite having touched her, did not signify anything before her private pain. She decides then show herself firm and difficult.
— You are kidding! Do you want me to believe that you are divine? Don’t waste my time.
— Seriously? You look like that young girl playing with her doll and hiding at the church’s vestry with your friends. At that time your naivety and faith were mirrors to other people. Now, however, I understand your soul darkness and I feel concerned. Don’t you want my help? Don’t regret when everything is lost— Said the son of God.
— I sincerely recommend that you listen to him. After having met him, my life was changed in such a way that I can no longer live without him. He has got words of life. (Renato)
— Aldivan is an extraordinary being. No power, symbol, entity or denomination is stronger than his love for people. Always listen to him. (Rafael)
— I don’t exist without him. (Uriel)
Rafaela was lost for words. It was indeed unbelievable despite her faith and belief not allowing to believe in miracles. The five there in front of the Almighty, her problems that did not stop hammering her head, the promise from a stranger who called himself son of God and knew about her past. What was happening? Could it be a plot from destiny to deepen her more in her misery? Or who knows could it be her salvation? In her mind this last hypothesis had the least probability.
After a quick analysis of the situation, she decides to test them and where would all this madness be going to end.
— Alright. I will let you help me. What is the first step?
— Let’s get out of here. Outside I will explain better. (The seer)
Everyone obeys the team leader. Leaving the matrix of deliverance, they walk a few metres towards south and the turn right at the centre main avenue. On the way, the seer speaks.
— Rafaela, could you introduce us to your family? You live in the neighbourhood Saint Christopher, don’t you?
— Yes. No problem. The past three months I have been living with my parents, after my engagement broke-up