I Am. Aldivan Teixeira Torres
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— I am. (Renato)
— I am not. But I will accompany you. (Rafael)
— You don’t even ask if the lass agrees. Lazy bones! (Uriel)
— There is no problem. My parents are very welcoming. (Rafaela)
— Thank you. (The seer)
The walk continues. Further ahead, they turn right again and wait at the corner for the first bus towards the neighbourhood. While waiting, they remain silent.
Five minutes later the bus arrives. Our esteemed personalities board it and the journey through the west side of the town of Arcoverde neighbourhood restarts. At a normal speed and facing a chaotic traffic, they arrived at the nearest stop to the friend’s residence in ten minutes. They pay the fares, alight and walk a further one hundred metres.
They are in front of a modest masonry building, 10x5 m (Ten metres long and five metres wide), style house, with a short wall in front. Rafaela as hostess, takes the initiative and knocks on the small entrance gate, giving access to a small room. She knocks once, and nothing happens. At the second attempt, they hear the sound of steps and wait to be attended to.
From inside the house, out comes a strong man, short, light coloured, wearing jeans, knitted shirt, leather hat and flip-flops. Seeing his daughter accompanied by the boys, he gets surprised and with authority says:
— Daughter, what is happening? Who are these people?
— They are my friends, father. They came with me to pay a visit. Is it alright? (Rafaela)
— Ok. Excuse the bad manners. My name is Antonio Ferreira and yours?
— I am Aldivan Teixeira Torres.
— I am Renato
— My name is Rafael Potester.
— And I am Uriel Ikiriri.
— My pleasure. Be at ease. Let’s go in. (Antonio)
— Thank you. (The seer)
— Is my mother here? (Rafaela Ferreira)
— Yes. In the lounge. Are we going in? (Antonio)
Everyone accepts the invitation nodding in agreement. They pass the hall, enter the lounge, and one by one settles on the five-seat sofa and others on chairs. Gildete, Rafaela’s mother is introduced to the visitors. Immediately, they start talking.
— Good, Mrs. Gildete and Mr Antonio, we met Rafaela by chance, when we were praying to the Sacred. Tell me, when did the problems start? (The seer)
— We don’t know exactly when, but we suspect that the worse happened because of the engagement break-up. From then on, she lost the will to live. (Gildete)
— I think it was just like that. (Antonio)
— I understand it. It is very difficult indeed. (The seer)
— Have you seen a specialist? (Rafael)
— Yes. With no concrete results. (Gildete)
— In my despair, I even consulted a holy priest. (Antonio)
— I have already told them that nothing and nobody can help me. They are stubborn. (Rafaela)
— Don’t talk like that. Nothing is impossible. (Renato)
— She is depressed, young man. It is normal feeling like that. (Uriel)
— Oh, pardon me, Rafaela. (Renato)
— It is not your fault. What to do, my God? I feel lost and with no chances of surviving. What else could happen? (Rafaela)
— The answer you are seeking is in my father. When I was in the dark night of the soul— a dark period when I went away from God— he looked for me and with great love he saved me from perdition. He can even do more for you through me. For that reason, I ask permission from your parents and you, to let me try to help you. (The seer)
— I don’t know. Although I am afraid, I have trust on what.
—What must I do, dad and mom? (Asks Rafaela)
— We have nothing to lose. For the little we have talked, I have understood the greatness of this man’s heart. I have got faith. (Gildete)
— What have you got in mind? (Antonio)
— Get to know your daughter, and through knowing her be able to help her. I also want her to come with us in a short journey. (The seer)
— Everything is alright with me. However, keep us up to date. (Antonio)
— If you agree, I am also in agreement. I am going to try. (Rafaela)
— Thank you for your trust. (The seer)
— Would you like something to eat or drink? (Gildete)
— Water for me. (The seer)
— I want juice. (Renato)
— Anything. (Rafael)
— Thank you. (Uriel)
— If you excuse me. (Gildete)
Gildete got up, ruffled her hair and with steady steps headed to the kitchen. In a few strides she gets there and begins preparing some snacks. While waiting, the conversation continues lively in the lounge, relating to other subjects. When she finishes preparing the food, the hostess call everyone to the kitchen table, were everything was well organized. They respond to the call, and for twenty minutes, they continue to interact, in an atmosphere of peace, tranquillity and union, as if they were a large family. What has a touch of truth, for they are all part of the great family called humanity.
At the end, Rafaela goes to pack her suitcases to take on the long journey. A journey still not defined and unforeseen which could change the future of the entire world. Let’s wait and see.
With the help of her new friends, Rafaela finalises things and then the group leaves the house. Outside, the seer hires a car with destination to the first place that comes to mind. The chosen place is Ipojuca, in the municipality of Arcoverde. They get in the car and depart to the mentioned place.
They pass the neighbourhood of St. Cristopher, reach the centre, pass “Boa Vista” and at the end of the main avenue they make a detour towards the village. At this point everyone is attentive and expectant. “The destiny lines are being drawn even without them being aware of it. Surely success was awaiting them”.
On the way, they try to amuse themselves the best way possible with laughs, jokes, gossip and disorder.