A Year with C. S. Lewis: 365 Daily Readings from his Classic Works. C. S. Lewis

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A Year with C. S. Lewis: 365 Daily Readings from his Classic Works - C. S. Lewis

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       11 The Thrill Is Gone

       12 My Time Is My Own

       13 Uninspected Assumptions

       14 Nuances of Ownership

       15 Mine, Mine, Mine

       16 A Mother’s Love

       17 Domestic Tyranny

       18 God at Her Elbow

       19 Signs of Attrition

       20 Unravelling Souls

       21 The Secret Thread

       22 The Hint of More

       23 A Most Complete Wife

       24 A World Starving

       25 Welcome to the Family

       26 Part of the Mystical Body

       27 To Become Really Doggy

       28 The Right Job

       29 Two Final Points

       30 Troughs and Peaks


       1 Servants Who Become Sons

       2 … And Still Obeys

       3 At Just That Point in History

       4 The Great Weapon

       5 The Very Pattern of Reality

       6 New Life

       7 Vicarious Needs

       8 It’s Not Fair

       9 Full Surrender

       10 With God’s Help

       11 Nice Is Not Enough

       12 That Some Day We May Ride Bare-Back

       13 Recognizing Christ’s New Men

       14 Imagine Being Who You Really Are

       15 My Own Personality

       16 All Good Masters Are Servants

       17 God’s Arrangements

       18 Blessed Matter

       19 Carriers of Christ

       20 A Body—Muscular, Vital, and Diverse

       21 Should the Church Take the Lead?

       22 A Christian Society

       23 The Longest Way Round

       24 For No Other Purpose

       25 A Gentle Welcome

       26 Creating Hatred in Church

       27 A Suitable Church

       28 Hints of Our Future

       29 A Curious Consolation

       30 Work Offered to God

       31 Avoid Clarity


       1 Untold Millions

       2 The Apostolic Witness

       3 What the Apostles Meant

       4 The Beginning of the New Creation

       5 Like a Ghost, Yet Not


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