A Year with C. S. Lewis: 365 Daily Readings from his Classic Works. C. S. Lewis

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A Year with C. S. Lewis: 365 Daily Readings from his Classic Works - C. S. Lewis

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1 Grieving, and Thinking About Grieving

       2 A Jab of Red-Hot Memory

       3 Alone into the Alone

       4 Lament

       5 Would I Wish Her Back?

       6 Cherishing Our Unhappiness

       7 Holy Intentions

       8 Hell’s Parody

       9 One Flesh

       10 I Promise You

       11 Falling in Love

       12 Being in Love

       13 Romance Novels

       14 Love Then Marriage—or Marriage Then Love?

       15 That Love May Find a Foothold

       16 The Least Bad of All Sins

       17 Bent Appetites

       18 One Reason We Don’t Desire Chastity

       19 Another Reason We Don’t Desire Chastity

       20 A Final Reason We Don’t Desire Chastity

       21 Gluttony of Delicacy

       22 Profile of a Glutton: The Demure Little Smile

       23 Profile of a Glutton: “All I Want …”

       24 In the Know

       25 Deadly Annoyances

       26 Under the Same Roof

       27 “All I Said …”

       28 I Believe in the Forgiveness of Sins

       29 Forgiving Versus Excusing

       30 Two Remedies for Excuses

       31 As We Forgive Others


       1 No Exceptions

       2 Past, Present, and Future

       3 Life on the Edge of a Precipice

       4 The Imaginary Claims of War and Religion

       5 The Claims of War: Render unto Caesar

       6 The Claims of Religion: Do All to the Glory of God

       7 Learning as Vocation

       8 Learning as a Necessary Weapon

       9 What Is Charity?

       10 The Rule of Love

       11 Compound Interest

       12 No Manufactured Feelings

       13 On Giving

       14 Is It Really Kindness?

       15 Wise as Serpents

       16 Not Just About Falling Down

       17 When Worlds Collide

       18 Faith in Training

       19 Real Temptation

       20 Not Really So Bad

       21 Lessons from Practising Christian Virtues

       22 Like the Spokes of a Wheel

       23 Leaving It to God

       24 A First Faint Gleam of Heaven

       25 Faith or Works


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