Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 3, January-June, 1851. Various

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Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 3, January-June, 1851 - Various

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on mistletoe on oaks, 226.

      –– on lama beads, 229.

      –– on language given to men, 229.

      –– on Lord Howard of Effingham, 244.

      –– on the proverb, "Go the whole hog," 250.

      B. (C. W.) on Lady Bingham, 61.

      –– on Canes lesi, 141.

      –– on foreign English, 346.

      –– on modern paper, 397.

      –– on inscription on an old gun, 221.

      –– on King John at Lincoln, 141.

      –– on snail-eating, 207.

      –– on a passage in Love's Labour's Lost, 230.

      –– on a remarkable longevity, 237.

      –– on epitaph at Leghorn, 238.

      B. de M. on two sorts of knights, 425.

      –– on the meaning of baronette, 450.

      Bealby (H. M.) notes on newspapers, 164.

      Beard (Rev. Mr.), vicar of Greenwich, 140.

      Bear's Bible, inscription on the, 329.

      Beatrix de Bradney, her marriage, 208.

      Beatrix Lady Talbot, her pedigree, 10.

      "Beauty Retire," by Pepys, 105. 155.

      Bede's Ecclesiastical History, ancient MS. of, 180. 247.

      Bega (Cornelius), painting by, 28.

      Beggar's Petition, its authorship, 209.

      Bellarmin's monstrous paradox, 497.

      Bellman and his history, 324. 377. 451. 485.

      Bells in churches, notices of, 238. 339. 431, 432. 493.

      B. (E. M.) on Hill's penny-post, 62.

      –– on portraits of Spenser, 301.

      Benbow on the bellman, 453.

      –– on spick and span new, 480.

      –– on "under the rose," 480.

      –– on the word Yankee, 461.

      Benedicite, not one word, 468.

      Bexley (Lord), how descended from Cromwell, 185. 250.

      B. (F. C.) on San Marino, 376.

      B. (G.) on Gray's Alcaic ode, 4.

      B. (G. H.) on Lynch law, 76.

      B. (H. A.) on Queen Elizabeth's christening cloth, 115.

      –– on the Heywood family, 263.

      –– on monosyllables, 165.

      –– on mistletoe on oaks, 226.

      –– on a poem among the papers of Sir K. Digby, 18. 238. 367.

      –– on curious omen at marriage, 406.

      –– on inscription on tomb of Peter the Hermit, 329.

      B. (H. J.) on traditional notice of Richard III., 207.

      Bibliographical queries, 86. 138. 182. 326. 525, 526.

      Bicêtre, its etymology, 518.

      Biddings in Wales, 114. 207.

      Bigod de Loges, 266. 306. 434.

      Bingham (Lady), 61. 156. 229.

      "Binsey, God help me!" 44.

      Birth of seven children three times following, 347.

      –– ten children at a, 64. 192.

      Bishops' lands, 87.

      B. (J.) on parentage of Arthur Pomeroy, 303.

      B. (J. C.) on portrait of Francis Moore, 340. 381.

      –– on the family of the Tradescants, 119.

      B. (J. M.), whether Quarles was pensioned? 11.

      –– on Touchstone's dial, 196.

      B. (J. S.) on Dutch church in Norwich, 340.

      –– on preserving existing monuments, 314.

      Black images of the Virgin, 63.

      Black rood of Scotland, 104.

      Blackguard, its meaning, 44.

      Blackstone's Commentaries and a table of precedence, 209.

      Blake family, notices of, 389.

      Blood, the discovery of its circulation attributed to Solomon, 340.

      Blowen on cockade and true blue, 71.

      –– on the etymology of grasson, 76.

      –– on coins of Richard Cromwell, 89.

      –– on the origin of the name Blowen, 106.

      –– on the passage in Mark xiii. 32., 110.

      –– on lammer beads, 115.

      –– on the episcopal mitre, 145.

      –– on Cardinal Beaufort, 169.

      –– on true blue, 194.

      –– on cockade, 196.

      –– on hook and by crook, 212.

      –– on Hugh Peter's Last Legacy, 214.

      –– on Salisbury Craigs, 251.

      –– on Moorfields in Charles II.'s time, 260.

      –– on foreign English, 275.

      –– on Abbot Eustacius, 307.

      –– on meaning of waste-book, 307.

      –– on the History of Bactria, 353.

      –– on the phrase "giving the lie," 369.

      –– on swearing by the peacock, 438.

      –– on meaning of gig-hill, 462.

      –– on "Laus tua non tua fraus," 466.


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