Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 3, January-June, 1851. Various

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Notes and Queries, Index of Volume 3, January-June, 1851 - Various

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German, 119.

      –– of George III., 275. 310. 391.

      –– guinea of George III., inscription on, 391.

      –– rarity of William IV.'s copper, 136.

      Coleridge's opinion of De Foe, 136.

      –– and the penny post, 27.

      –– Religious Musings, 115.

      –– Table Talk, passage in, 518.

      Colfabias, its meaning, 390. 482.

      Collar of SS., 42.

      Collard the logician, particulars wanted, 185.

      Collector on the Travels of Baron Munchausen, 305.

      Collier (J. Payne) on the defence of the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, 113.

      –– on the Royal Courtly Garland, 1.

      Collier (Rev. R.), lines attributed to, 28.

      Colman (J. B.) on the frozen horn, 91.

      –– on baker's dozen, 520.

      –– on the locality of Gillingham, 505.

      –– on St. Paul's clock, 153.

      –– on the descent of Henry IV., 171.

      –– on the election of a pope, 253.

      –– on Edmund Prideaux and the post-office, 268.

      –– on Quebeça and his epitaph, 459.

      –– on thanksgiving-book, 481.

      –– on Sir Cloudesley Shovel, 45.

      Comenius' History of Bohemian Persecution, 11. 45.

      Comets, list of, 223. 253. 306.

      Commandments, the division of the ten, 166. 230. 412.

      Commoner marrying a peeress, 436.

      Concert of nature, 69.

      Conquest (post conquestum), 30.

      Conquestum, its original meaning, 92. 170.

      Contracted names of places, 182.

      Cooper (C. H.) on "Defender of the Faith," 28.

      –– on the word culprit, 44.

      –– on touching for the evil, 148.

      –– on the Conquest, 170.

      –– on dog's head in the pots, 264.

      –– biographical notices of Thomas May, 280.

      –– on tradesmen's signs, 285.

      –– on St. John's Bridge fair, 341.

      –– on the bellman and his history, 377. 485.

      –– on disinterment for heresy, 378.

      –– on Charles Lamb's epitaph, 379.

      –– on the fifteen O's, 391.

      –– on the expression "going tick," 409.

      –– on the presentation of gloves, 424.

      –– on the phrase "by-the-bye," 433.

      –– on round robin, 461.

      –– on registry of dissenting baptisms, 486.

      –– on corpse passing making a right of way, 520.

      –– on umbrellas, 126.

      Coptic language, 468.

      Cor linguæ, &c., its authorship, 168.

      Corderoy on meaning of Zoll-verein, 451.

      Corner (Geo. R.) on forged papal bulls, 149.

      Corney (Bolton) on the utility of catalogues of books, 101.

      –– on the publication of De Navorscher, 114.

      –– on Sir Thomas Herbert's Memoirs, 157.

      –– on the Essay on Satire, 162.

      –– on Harrison's Chronology, 192.

      –– on the Threnodia Carolina of Sir T. Herbert, 259.

      –– on the Anti-Jacobin, 349.

      –– on Hugh Holland and his works, 427.

      Corpse passing makes a right of way, 477. 507. 519.

      Corser (Thomas) on traditions from remote periods, 422. 475.

      –– on Greene's Groatsworth of Witte, 479.

      Costume, queries on, 88. 155.

      Cotton family, arms of 39. 187.

      Cotton (H.) on Archbishop Bolton of Cashel, 72.

      –– on Harrison's Chronology, 105.

      –– on Diary of Archbishop Loftus, 263.

      Coulanges and Prior, coincidence between, 446.

      Coverdale's Bible, 54. 122.

      Covey, its etymology, 477. 509.

      Cowgill on Christmas-day, 249.

      –– on headings of chapters in Bibles, 269.

      –– biographical notices of Thomas May, 279.

      –– on predeceased and designed, 287.

      –– on a notice of St. Pancras, 397.

      –– on the Tanthony, 428.

      –– on window tax, mints, and Nobbs, 447.

      Cowley's poem on Drinking, an answer to, 55.

      Cowper, the divine chit-chat of, 388.

      Cracow pike, 118. 187.

      Crambo, its meaning, 391.

      Cranmere Pool, 404.

      Cranmer's descendants, 8. 153. 188.

      Cranmore on passage from Cymbeline, 290.

      Crewe (Bishop), letters of, 23.

      –– on the customary disuse of his episcopal title, 128.

      Crex, the white bullace, 451.


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