Женщины Девятой улицы. Том 1. Мэри Габриэль
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Oral history interview with Milton Resnick, AAA-SI; oral history interview with Ludwig Sander, AAA-SI; Pat Passlof, “The Ninth Street Show”, 61; Geoffrey Dorfman, ed., Out of the Picture, 284; Esteban Vicente, interview by Jack Taylor.
Нижний Манхэттен, или Даунтаун (Downtown), – южная оконечность острова Манхэттен в Нью-Йорке. На карте этот район находится внизу, а то, что расположено выше, называется, соответственно, Мидтаун (Средний Манхэттен) и Аптаун (Верхний Манхэттен). Здесь и далее примеч. пер.
“9th Street, Nine Artists from the 9th Street Show”, David Findlay Jr. Fine Art; Esteban Vicente, interview by Jack Taylor.
Oral history interview with Milton Resnik, AAA-SI; Pat Passlof, “The Ninth Street Show”, 61; “9th Street, Nine Artists from the 9th Street Show”, David Findlay Jr. Fine Art; Dorfman, Out of the Picture, 284; Bruce Altshuler, The Avant-Garde in Exhibition, 158. По некоторым сведениям, художники арендовали это помещение за 50 долларов в месяц сроком на два месяца. Выставка проходила с 21 мая по 10 июня 1951 г.
Oral history interview with Esteban Vicente, April 6, 1982, AAI-SI; oral history interview with Esteban Vicente, November 27–December 4, 1982, AAA-SI; oral history interview with Ludwig Sander, AAA-SI; Esteban Vicente, interview by Jack Taylor.
Natalie Edgar, ed., Club Without Walls, 99.
Helen Frankenthaler, interview by Dodie Kazanjian, AAA-SI, 4; oral history interview with Ibram Lassaw and Ernestine Lassaw, AAA-SI; Milton Resnick, interview by Jack Taylor.
Edgar, Club Without Walls, 99; Dorfman, Out of the Picture, 284.
Leo Castelli, interview by Dodie Kazanjian, AAA-SI, 5–6; oral history interview with Leo Castelli, July 1969, AAA-SI; oral history interview with Leo Castelli, May 14, 1969, and June 8, 1973, AAA-SI; Laura de Coppet and Alan Jones, The Art Dealers, 82, 83.
Summer of ’57, videotape courtesy of LTV, Inc.
Alice Goldfarb Marquis, The Art Biz, 240; Edith Schloss, “Edith Schloss Notes on Leo Castelli”, unpublished manuscript “The Castelli Saga”, Edith Schloss Burckhardt Papers (MS No. 1763), Subseries V.C., Box 16, Columbia.
Schloss, “Edith Schloss Notes on Leo Castelli”, Columbia; Leo Castelli, interview by Dodie Kazanjian, AAA-SI, 5; Friedel Dzubas, interview by Charles Millard, AAA-SI.
Oral history interview with Milton Resnick, AAA-SI; Dorfman, Out of the Picture, 284.
Oral history interview with Leo Castelli, May 14, 1969–June 8, 1973, AAA-SI; Irving Sandler, A Sweeper Up After Artists, 38.
Altshuler, The Avant-Garde in Exhibition, 159; Mary Abbott, interview by author.
Eleanor Munro, Originals, 245; Thomas B. Hess, “There’s an ‘I’ in ‘Likeness’”, 85. Помимо Ли Краснер, Элен де Кунинг, Грейс Хартиган, Джоан Митчелл и Хелен Франкенталер в выставке на Девятой улице участвовали Перл Файн, Энн Райан, Дэй Шнабель, Соня Секула, Джин Стюбинг и Ивонн Томас.
“Lee Krasner Paintings from 1965–70”, Robert Miller Gallery, January 4– 26, 1991, n.p.
“After Mountains and Sea: Frankenthaler 1956–1959”, 28.
Helen Frankenthaler, interview by John Gruen, AAA-SI, 8.
Pete Hamill, “Beyond the Vital Gesture”, 110; Grace Hartigan journal excerpts, April 30, 1951, Box 31, Grace Hartigan Papers, Syracuse.
Marjorie Perloff, Frank O’Hara: Poet among Painters, 210n5.
“Joan Mitchell”, Sandy Gotham Meehan, January 21, 2004, Barney Rosset Papers, Tape 5, Side 1, Series II, Box 3, Folder 5, Columbia; Albers, Joan Mitchell, 158.
Albers, Joan Mitchell, 164–165; oral history interview with Joan Mitchell, May 21, 1965, AAA-SI; Munro, Originals, 245.
Grace Hartigan, “Notes for Tribute to Elaine de Kooning” at Maria Rand College Gallery, Brooklyn, n.d., Box 9, Grace Hartigan Papers, Syracuse; Margaret Randall, telephone interview by author; Albers, Joan Mitchell, 189.
Elaine de Kooning and Rose Slivka, Elaine de Kooning, 28.