The Odysseys of Homer, together with the shorter poems. Homer

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The Odysseys of Homer, together with the shorter poems - Homer

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Telemachus to Pisistratus, in observation of the house, not so ‭much that he heartily admired it, as to please Menelaus, who he ‭knew heard, though he seemed desirous he should not hear.

      ‭[4] Helen counterfeited the wives’ voices of those kings of Greece ‭that were in the wooden horse, and calls their husbands.

      ‭[5] Δἐμας, membrorum structura.

      ‭[6] Παρἁ κληîδος ἱμἀντα. Ιμἀς, affectus curculionis significat ‭quod longior et gracilior evaserit.

       Table of Contents


      ‭ A second Court on Jove attends;

       ‭ Who Hermes to Calypso sends,

       ‭ Commanding her to clear the ways

       ‭ Ulysses sought; and she obeys.

       ‭ When Neptune saw Ulysses free,

       ‭ And so in safety plough the sea,

       ‭ Enrag’d, he ruffles up the waves,

       ‭ And splits his ship. Leucothea saves

       ‭ His person yet, as being a Dame

       ‭ Whose Godhead govern’d in the frame

       ‭ Of those seas’ tempers. But the mean,

       ‭ By which she curbs dread Neptune’s spleen,

       ‭ Is made a jewel, which she takes

       ‭ From off her head, and that she makes

       ‭ Ulysses on his bosom wear,

       ‭ About his neck, she ties it there,

       ‭ And, when he is with waves beset,

       ‭ Bids wear it as an amulet,

       ‭ Commanding him, that not before

       ‭ He touch’d upon Phæacia’s shore,

       ‭ He should not part with it, but then

       ‭ Return it to the sea again,

       ‭ And cast it from him. He performs;

       ‭ Yet, after this, bides bitter storms,

       ‭ And in the rocks sees death engrav’d,

       ‭ But on Phæacia’s shore is sav’d.


      ‭ E.

       ‭ Ulysses builds

       ‭ A ship; and gains

       ‭ The glassy fields;

       ‭ Pays Neptune pains.

      ‭ Aurora rose from high-born Tithon’s bed,

       ‭ That men and Gods might be illustrated,

       ‭ And then the Deities sat. Imperial Jove,

       ‭ That makes the horrid murmur beat above,

       ‭ Took place past all, whose height for ever springs,

       ‭ And from whom flowers th’ eternal pow’r of things.

       ‭ Then Pallas, mindful of Ulysses, told

       ‭ The many cares that in Calypso’s hold

       ‭ He still sustain’d, when he had felt before

       ‭ So much affliction, and such dangers more.

       ‭ “O Father,” said she, “and ye Ever-blest,

       ‭ Give never king hereafter interest

       ‭ In any aid of yours, by serving you,

       ‭ By being gentle, human, just, but grow

       ‭ Rude, and for ever scornful of your rights,

       ‭ All justice ord’ring by their appetites,

       ‭ Since he, that rul’d as it in right behov’d,

       ‭ That all his subjects as his children lov’d,

       ‭ Finds you so thoughtless of him and his birth.

       ‭ Thus men begin to say, ye rule in earth,

       ‭ And grudge at what ye let him undergo,

       ‭ Who yet the least part of his suff’rance know:

       ‭ Thrall’d in an island, shipwrack’d in his tears,

       ‭ And, in the fancies that Calypso bears,

       ‭ Bound from his birthright, all his shipping gone,

       ‭ And of his soldiers not retaining one.

       ‭ And now his most-lov’d son’s life doth inflame

       ‭ Their slaught’rous envies; since his father’s fame

       ‭ He puts in pursuit, and is gone as far

       ‭ As sacred Pylos, and the singular

       ‭ Dame-breeding Sparta.” This, with this reply,

       ‭ The Cloud-assembler answer’d: “What words fly

       ‭ Thine own remembrance, daughter? Hast not thou

       ‭ The counsel giv’n thyself, that told thee how

       ‭ Ulysses shall with his return address

       ‭ His Wooers wrong? And, for the safe access

       ‭ His son shall make to his innative port,

       ‭ Do thou direct it, in as curious sort

       ‭ As thy wit serves thee; it obeys thy pow’rs;

       ‭ And in their ship return the speedless Wooers.”

       ‭ Then turn’d he to his issue Mercury,

       ‭ And said: “Thou hast made good our ambassy

       ‭ To th’ other Statists, to the Nymph then now,

       ‭ On whose fair head a tuft of gold doth grow,


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