Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period. Various

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Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period - Various

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Counsell thought it there duty to enquire into the matter, yet having now examined the s'd Captaine and Considerd the Certificate afores'd together with a charter partie found in the s'd ship, Wee doe declare that wee have nothing wherewith to charge the sd Capt. or the company but have discharged the said Captaine and the rest of the company heere, together with their clothes, And therfore doe signify unto them that they have free liberty to enter our harbours where they shall have protection from all injuries and liberties of free trade with any of our inhabitants as any other ships whatsoever have had amongst us.

20 July 1653. was signed by Jno. Endecot, Gov. Ric. Bellingham, Dept. Gov. Increase Nowell. Symon Bradstreet. Samuell Symonds. Robt. Bridges. Jno. Glover. Daniell Gookin. Daniel Denison, Maj'r Gen'll.

      To all whom these presents may concerne, greeting etc.

      This is A true Coppie Compared with the originall

      per Edward Rawson, Secret'y.

      [The words "Jno. Endecott Gov'n'r and the seale of the Colony" appear in the margin.]

      Mathew Hill aged 30 yeares and upwards deposeth and sayth

      Mathew Hill.

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