Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period. Various

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Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period - Various

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to theire desire, to goe in her to the aforesaid Port at Jameka: as witnes my hand this 24. day of June 1664.

      Taken uppon Oath this 12. of July 1664 in Pascatayvay River, in Newe-England, in America, before mee:

      Brian Pendleton,


      The deposicion of Bartholomewe Martin, Spaniard, passenger and now aboarde of Capt. John Dowglass:

      That when hee was demaunded of the said Capt. John Dowglass whither hee knewe if the Shipp did belong unto the Jewes, hee answered that hee heard Isaac Cardozo a Jewe tell him privately that the Shipp did belong unto his father in Amsterdam, and that shee was Assigned unto him by his father from Amsterdam, and that the said Bartholomewe Martin did see the Jewes bring Quicksilver, and that hee knowes it is the same which was taken in the Blew Dove: as witness my hand this 24. day of June 1664.

      Taken uppon Oath this 12. of July 1664 in Portsmouth, in Pascatayvay River, in Newe-England, in America, before mee:

      Brian Pendleton,


      Being Credibly Informed of the Arrivall of a ship at Piscatage manned with persons who have Given just cause of suspition and are suspected to have seazed the said ship in a way of piracy or in a undue and Illegall manner, Now that his Maj'ty may have his rights and dues preserved, his Good Subjects the Right owners and proprietors of ship and Goods releived wht [without] any such violent seizures

      Given Under our hands, with the seale of the Colony hereto Affixed, at Boston in N E. this 16th day of July 1664.

      R B D. F W.

      I, Danell Sprage,

      thes be the men that Can testifie that they weare ten or twelve dayes out in the pursuite after thes ship be fore I Came to them: and have heer unto set their hands.

the Marke of william gibens. W John Hill. * the Marke of Cline the Dutchman. Thomas Huckens is Marke.
Solemon Begensous, quarter Maistor. + the Marke of Halligert Younson. Thomas Berkenhead.

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