Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period. Various

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Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period - Various

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so for Amsterdam: the time this deponant was shipped was about the begining of Aprill Last past in Jameco.

      Taken upon Oath the 26th of 5th mo 1664

       before mee Anthony Stoddard, Comissr.

      owned in Court 5th August 1664Edw. Rawson.

      The deposition off Charls Hadsall, aged forty six years or thereabouts:

      Taken upon oath 27: 5: 64

       Before me Elia. Lusher.

      owned in Court 5th August 1664 by the sd Hadsell

      To the honored Governor, Deputy Governor, Majestrates and Deputies of this honoured Generall Court now sitting in Boston in the Massachusetts Colonie of New England.

      The peticion of captayne John Duglas late Commandor of the Prise called the Blew Dove of Anserdam in behalfe of himselfe and Company (servants and seamen to the said Ship belonging), whose names are hereunder Subscribed.

      Humbly shewing, That whereas the said Ship was seized

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