Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period. Various

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Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period - Various

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_4cdf35f2-50b9-557c-9363-276d94c3e100">[3] Afterward speaker 1685, assistant 1686, councillor and secretary of the province 1692–1715.

      Hen. King.

      At a Court of Assistants held in Boston on adjourm't, 8 May 1673.

      Edward Rawson, Secrety.

      An Inventory of the goods and things taken into the custody of Mr. Nathaniel Fryer that came in the Shipp Providence of Falmouth, of which shipp Mr. Henry King was Mate in a voyage from England to Virgenia but now Master.

      a large hhd.

       13 pa. fr. falls[2]

       11 pa. pl.[3] shooes

       1 wier kage

       6 pa. mens wollen hose

       12 pa. Irish cloath hose

       2 old hatt

       2 new shirts

       2 p'ces shearge

       20 pa. worsted hose

       1 p'ce blue linnon 28

       1 dito 29

       1 dito 44

       1 halfe p'ce lockram[4]

       3 halfe pound of wt. thread

       1 lb. browne thread

       1 paper col. filleting

       1 paper col. thread about a ld.

       1 p'ce sheeting canvas 123

       27½ yards dowlas[5]

       1 coat }

       1 dublet } part worn

       2 pa. briches }

       and oakum to fill up the hhd. that these things were in.

      a large hhd.

       1 doz. 10 paire mens fr. falls

       4 pa. pumps with heeles

       2 saddles

       7 curb bitts

       6 snaffall bitts

       1 pa. black head stall and raynes and crupp and breastplate

       1 dubble girt

       4 halters

       1 doz. white raynes and headstalls

       6 pa. white stirrup leathers

       1 doz. pa. boyes and girles shooes

       2 doz. ½ mens pl. shooes

       1 p'ce kersie no. 1: 26¾

       1 p'ce dito—2:26

       1 p'ce. searge

      a little hhd.

       6 large pewter basons

       3 large Iron shovels

       1 curb bitt

       1 side saddle and furniture

       2 doz. pa. mens fr. falls

       10 pa. mens pl. shooes

       2 pa. woodden heele weo.[6] shooes

      a little hhd.

       40 pa. fr. falls and woodden heele shooes for men and w.

       18 pa. mens pl. shooes

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