Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period. Various

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Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period - Various

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by way of consolation, to the master of the Providence. On April 12/22 the prize crew of the Providence, by a ruse, possesses itself of the Little Barkley, but presently both English crews separately recover possession of their vessels, and they separately make their way to Boston. Raddon, master of the Providence, arrives there later.

      The depositions of John Johnson, aged 18 yeers, steersman, and Henry Harris, aged about 24 yeers:

      These depon'ts testifie and say that they these deponts together with severall other seamen belonging unto Flushing, under the comand of Capt. Cornelious Lincort, Comand'r of the shipp Slandt Welvaeren, in English the Comonwelth, by vertu of a Comisson from his highness the prince of orange, we came up with the Providence of Falmouth (who was bound to Virginia) in the Latitude of 36: and 40: and tooke her, which when taken these depon'ts and ten more were put on bord her to Keepe and secure her, and after wee had been on bord some hours, in the night wee lost our own shipp and saw them no more, and about seven dayes after wee came up with a Londoner and thinking to take him, four of our company went on bord in the night but never returned, and the next day after the English that belonged to the sd Ship Providence, and some of the other ship before mencioned that wee had on bord with us prisoners, rose and retook her and suppressed us and have brought sd shipp and us into Piscattay River.

      To the Honorable County Court now sitting in Boston The humble petition of Edward Bant on the Behalf of himself and the rest of the Company belonging unto the Ship called the Little Barklay, being five men in number, Humbly sheweth

      8 May 1673. At a Court of Assistants on adjourmt.

      In ans'r to the petition of Edward Bant in behalfe of himself and fower seamen, the Court judgeth it meet to order that Mr. Nathaniel Fryer allow and pay the sum of fiveteene pounds for their salvage, taking their receipts for the same.

      past. Edw. Rawson, Secre'ty.

      At a County Court held at Boston Aprill 29th 1673.

      This Court doe order and Empower Mr. Elias Stileman and Mr. Henry Deering, together with said Fryer, or any two of them, to take a particular acco't of the state of said ship, and to Inventory the Goods brought in by and belonging to her, and to make provition for the Securing of both for the right Owners, making a return thereof to the present Dept. Govr. by the 7th of May next, and the said Fryer is further ordered to disburse for the Company arrived in the said Ship what may bee for the Supply of theire present necessities, and also order that hee take care that the 8 Dutch men brought in prisoners in the saide Ship bee forthwith brought to Boston before Authority, to be disposed of as the matter may require, and for the other parts of the petition's, touching Salvage or wages, The Court refers them to the Counsell at theire next meeting.

      Copia vera per

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