Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period. Various

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Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period - Various

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      a broad hamper.

       5 doz: ½ low crowne black hatts

       9 reams of paper Damnified[7]

       2 peeces of haire cloath ell wide

       a small baile of 2 small p'ces of small canvas

       1 p'ce ell wide fine canvas in a bundall

       1 p'ce Lockram }

       halfe a peece fine dowlas } in a bundall

      a box.

       3 gounds[8]

       2 Jasto Corps[9]

       4 stuffe coates for men

      a box.

       2 stuffe vest for boyes

       2 boyes little coates

       2 childrens coates

       2 scarlett parragon[10] coates

       2 childes parragon coate

       1 boyes coat

      a box.

       5 coates and briches for men

       2 weo. Stuffe gounes

       2 mens cloakes

      a box.

       1 p'ce blue linnon

       a small parcell dowlas

       a small parcell lockram

       22 small bundles black thread

       1 doz. mens white worsted hose, ratt eaten

      a box, the baile in it.

       13 peeces blue linnon

      a box.

       23 low crowne black hatts

       16 p'ces of taffeta ribbon severall colours

       20 p'ces of black dito

      a box.

       12 peeces blue linnon

       a barrell of powder

      a small box broak open.

       7 yards ticking

       28 yards blue linnon

       2 pa. weo. parragon bodices and Stomegers[11]

       17 yards ½ of Stuffe

       1 lb. black thread

       1 small barrell of nayles


      a great chest.

       7 peeces kersie

       2 p'ces red playnes[12]

       1 p'ce white cotton

       12 grose coat button

       2 doz. pins

       4 peeces galloune[13]

       3 papers white filleting

       12 peeces white tape

       a paper sewing and stiching silks about a ld.

       6 paire woe. parragon bodices and stomegers

       6 pa. childrens bodices

       2 brass panns

       69 Duch blue potts

       2 small sloope sayles

       3 small quoiles[14] cordidge

       4 quarter casks of brandy

       2 puncheons of mault

       3 small casks of wine, 1 pt out sd to be Masters.

       40 white Jarrs of oyle

       13 doz. stone bottles

       11 barrells of Bread

       1 old missen

       1 old fore saile

       1 new fore topsaile

       1 maine topsaile

       1 maine saile

       1 fore saile

       1 maine topsaile

       1 Ensigne[15]

       1 Jack

       1 pennant

       1 long boats new maine saile and fore saile

       1 sprittsell topsaile

       1 new spritsaile

       1 maine saile

       1 missen top saile

       1 missen

       1 old fore topsaile

       1 fore topsaile

       1 old fore saile

       fore bouelings and braces and clue garnets

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