Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period. Various

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Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period - Various

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at Puscataque in his Majesties name about the eighteenth-day of July-last with all the Seamens chests and Clothes save what they have on their backs, And that the said Seamen have bin here about fiveteene dayes without any allowance from the Countrey and not a penny of money to releeve themselves, so that they had perished eare this tyme had they not bin releeved by som freinds, some of which company have bin without victualls three dayes together, They humbly crave this honored Court that they may have a speedy triall whether their prise be a lawfull prise or not, otherwise that they may have their chests, clothes and armes, which request of your Peticioners they humbly crave may be taken into Consideration and they shall, as by duty they ar bound, pray, etc.

      John Douglass.

Thomas Berkenhead. Thomas Marttin. Abraham Wilkerson. Halligar Johnson. his X marke Mihill Henderson. his MH marke Cline the Dutchman. his X marke Joan Clobartexe [?]. Lameste [?] William Giotte. John Horre. his + Marke Pierre Perwalle. Solomon. Joan Page.

      And After 8 Dayes the touck the Sayed Capt. Dagles prisnor and his men and seased upon his vessell and goods and pout all his men out and pout outher men abord, the which did Plonder me and my men Just to Ouer Sherts.

      [1] Mass. Archives, vol. 60, pp. 271, 272.

      [2] Lisbon.

      [3] Indies.

      [4] Martinique.

      [5] Col. Roger Osborn.

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