Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period. Various

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Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period - Various

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and haveing hard westerly winds, capt. Cooke could nott gett the Golden Islands, but was drove downe into the bay of Dueryan;[18] in the meane time our Party Imbarkques in perriaugers and Cannoes, being mighty desierouse to be their before should be descried. And lyeing here, wee gott greate acquaintance with the Natives of this Country, which the Spaniards had driven over to this side of the Land from the South side; wee found the Indians to have a greate Antipothy against the Spaniards, but could not know to have their revenge. they understanding our designes, they corted us to land and thay would shew us wheir was Spanish townes Plenty of Silver and golde; of which more here-after. The cannoes being gonn to Puerta Vella with about two hundred and fifty men, left the shipping with a sailing crew a borde to follow after, wheir orders was given by capt. Coxon, chiefe commander, to make what hast he could to lower Rainge of Keys in the Samboles, to a Key call'd Springers carreening Key,[19] and to goe no farther till farther Orders. the parting cannoes, goeing downe the Samboles, sees a greate shipp rideing att an Anchor att the 2d Rainge of Keyes, which coming neare they found her to be a French privateere, One capt. Lessone, who carreen'd in the Samboles. The said capt. understanding the designe wee weare about, Joyn'd his company with ours, who weare about Eighty men out of him, so wee went with all our parties on with corrage, and landed them about twenty leagues short of Puerta Vella in an olde ruinated Port called Puerta Pee; the way was very rocky and bad to march, they goeing near the sea side to Eschape the look-out which thay saw plainely on a high Hill, butt as god would have itt, the look-out did nott see them. this being Wensday they begin to drawe neare Puerta Vella. The Satterday following, about ten aclocke, came into an Indian Village. our peopple many of them were weake, being three day with-out any foode, and their feete cutt with the rocks for want of Shoose, soe an Indian man, crying out, "ladroones",[20] runs and make what speede he could to Puerta Vella. so Coxon our Generall cryed out, "good boyes, You that are able to runn gett into towne before wee are descryed". wee had then about 3 miles to Puerta Vella. The Indian being too nimble for us, wee being tired afore, He gott into Puerta Vella about half a hower before us, and cried out, "Ladroones!" Imediately wee heard the Alarm gunn fier. wee then certainly knew that wee weare discried. wee made what hast wee could into the towne, the forloorne[21] being led by capt. Robert Alliston, the rest of our party following upp so fast as they could. before—— of the clocke in the Afternoon wee had taken the towne, the peopple of the Place takeing to their stronge castle call'd the Glory, to secure themselves. the next day the Spaniards, being about two hundred, made an Attempt to come out of the Glory. wee face't them and made them to retreate back to their Castle to some of their sorrowes, which fell to the ground. wee kept the towne 2 dayes, plunder[ed] what wee could of itt, and putt the best of our Plunder into cannoes which wee tooke their. some men marcht back by lands, guarding the Prisonnars alonge with them, Hopeing wee should have had ransome for them: wee carried our Plunder, Plate and prissonars downe to a Key about 3 leauges and a half from Puerta Vella, The next Key's to the Bastamentes,[22] and on Tuesday comes away Capt. Robert Alleston to Springers carreeneing Key, to give notice to the Shipps which was all their att anchor that wee should make what dispach wee could to the Bastamentes, wheir our party lay. capt. Alliston info[r]m'd us that thay had taken Puerta Vella and plundred the most part of the Towne, without the loss of many men, onely five or six men wounded, and that a cannoe of the best plunder, as cloth of silver, cloth of tishee,[23] being soe covittious to lode deepe, sanck in the river comeing downe; the small fortes fiering, they wounded 2 or 3 men in the cannoes. Our plunder being carried downe to the Bastamentes, and our peopple which marched by land being come, carries plunder and Prissnars uppon a Key lying aboutt half a mile from the maine land. their came downe about 3 dayes after from Puerta Vella as neare as wee could Judge seven Hundred soldiers, that came from Pennamau[24] and arrived att Puerta Vella the tuesday as wee came away the Munday before. the Spaniards came downe on brest the Key wee weire uppon, and fired severall small armes, shooteing cleare over this Key, soe wee tooke our prissnars with plunder and what wee had gotten att Puerta Vella, and carried to another Key hard by, out of their Reaches, soe our shipps come downe wheir the partie lay in dispute what to doe, haveing some thoughts the Spaniard would send to relieve the Prissnars. keepeing strickt watch, wee saw the next day a Barkque longo[25] standing in to Puerta Vella, which capt. bartholl'w Sharpe went out and tooke. Her lodeing was salt and corne came from Carthagene. Keepeing very good watch att top mast head, 3 day's after wee saw comeing in a good bigg shipp, came from Carthagene. Our Shipps and Sloopes weighs and went out and mett her, as she was standing in to Puerta Vella. Capt. Allisson comeing up with her first in his Sloope Ingages her, and Coxon seconding him clapps her aborde and takes her without the loss of any men. some Spaniards fell for thay fought about one hower. she had Eight gunn's, a new shipp of about ninety tunn's, the chiefest of her ladeing being timber, salt and corne, and about 30 Negroe's and about fower chest of silke, Besides packetts of greate Conscernment from the King of Spaine, as was Reported by them which by relacion of our armie, thatt our Generall, capt. Coxon, had presented him in a Jarr of wine five Hundred peices of gould which he wronged the party of by Keepeing of itt to himself, he being sworne as well as any other man not to wronge any one. After this wee sheard[26] our Puerta Vella voyage, which was in money and plate and plunder wee had to the Vallew of hundred peeces of Eight a man. then wee concluded to goe downe to Boca-Toro,[27] to make cleane our shipps, that being the best place to carreene our shipps, by reason their is good store of turtle and Manatee and fish, our shipps being made cleane and ready for to sayle about six weekes time, butt wee fell in with Boca Draga and went thro' Boca Draga into Boca Toro, wheir seing a saile a cannoe went to her, and found itt to be a Barque longo, The commander one Richard Sawlkings, who tolde us of Capt. Peter Harriss's being att Diego's point[28] a carreeneing. wee dispacht as soone as possible. Capt. Coxon fitted out his new shipp, leaveing his olde one their, Capt. Essex leaveing his Barkque their she being so rotten. wee acquainting capt. Peter Harriss and capt Rich. Sawlking of the greate commerce wee had with the Indians in the Samboles, was very willing to goe upp with their shipps, so all concluded to goe upp to capt Lessones Carreeneing Key. Boca Toro lieth about 50 leagues to leeward[29] of Porta Vella and Boca Drago 3 leauges to leeward of Boca Toro. all the shipps meeteing att Lessoones carreeneing Key aforesaid, wheir was orders for our randevous, capt. Coxon concludes to goe upp to the goulden Islands and to travill over land to Pannamau, otherwise to a place which the Indians tolde us of, cal'd Toca Mora. all our English concluded to goe, but capt Lessoone and capt Jno. Rowe their Peopple refus'd, being man'd all with French. The Indians being very familliar came uppon a Key to our shipps, men, Women and children, Informing us that whilst wee weare att Puerta Vella the Spaniards had beene downe with about Eighty soldiers and had fell uppon the Indians for their haveing familiarity with us. The Spaniards did Kill of the Indians by their relation about 20, the rest of the Indians takeing the mountans for their security tell wee came. these Indians altho' Heathens yett have those amounge them that thay call Doctors, that can raise the Divill att their Pleasure. they knew of our comeing and att what time wee should be their, and when thay saw us, it was greate sattisfaction to them, wee putting out a signe, which was a white Jack and no Ensigne, then thay come on borde. thay offers themselves to goe with us to take revenge of the Spaniards, which they call by the name of walkers. Wee makeing in all, in mony, Plate and Plunder, about a hundred peices of Eight a man att Puerta Vella, peopple was Eagar for more Voyage, and was now fully resolved to goe to the Goulden Island and hall our shipps into a small Cove or creeke out of sight of any Spaniard, if any should come that way, haling our small Barkques and small vessells as close as wee thought convenient under the shelter of the greate shipps, and order so many men to stay on borde of Each Vessell according to their bigness

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