Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period. Various

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Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period - Various

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us with Dutch coullors flying, and presently affter wee saw a vessell with French Coullors, upon which wee concluded All to be French and thatt wee ware betrayed and should bee taken; thereupon Capt. Rodregross Commanded every man to his Arms and to fight for his life. But as soone as Capt. Mosely[7] Came up with us, hee haveing the English Coullors out, Hee bid us A Maine for the King of England, and I myselfe Loured the Maine Sayle three or foure foot doune, at which Capt. Rodregross was very angry with me and Commanded me to hoyse it againe, which I Refused to doe; and there upon I went forward and Laye before the windles tell the vessell was taken; And when the Capt. yeelded, I Edward Youringe Lett fall the Anchor; I being very glad that I was freed from the Bondage and Slavery I was in untell the vessell was taken by Capt. Moseley; I being all the voyage Comanded, as occasion presented, to goe a Shoare with John Farmer to cott wood and fetch watter to carry aboard; notwithstanding one halfe of the vessell was my owne; and also I stand Still ingaged for one halfe of the Cargoe thatt was Carryed out from Boston.

      Now all these premises being searyously pondred by this honord Courte of Assistants, with the prudent and upright management of the Gent'men of the Jury, Together with the testimonyes I have redy to give in, I hope will thereby Evidently Appeare thatt I am not guiltie of Pyracy or any Acttyons tending thereto, as is Layed to me in my Charge, And I being over powered by the Privateers thatt did tyranize over me, I was forced contrary to my minde and will to doe whatt I did during the time I was with the Privateers upon A voyage to the Eastward; for the true determination of which and of my being Concerned therein I freely and willingly Leave my Selfe to the wise, Judicious and Righteous proceedings of this Honoured Courte and Gentlemen of the Jury, hopeing the Lord will Cleare up my Innocency as to the matter of Factt, I being Conscious to my owne Innocency. So desiring the Lord to direct you In your Proceeding that Right may take place, not att all doubtting butt thatt your Honors will soe dilligenttly search in to the Cause thatt the Innosent may Bee Cleeared and the Guilty Suffer, according to merritt, so wishin you all happienes, And for the Continewance of which I shall ever Pray, etc., Subscribe my Selfe your Faithfull Subjectt and Searvantt In all Hummillitye

      Boston the 24th of May


       Table of Contents

       43. Seignelay to Colbert. May 8 (N.S.), 1679. [1]

      Le Roy ayant esté informé à la fin du mois passé que deux particuliers avoient fait depuis peu un armement dans les Portes de Zelande, et qu'ils en essoient partis avec deux Vaisseaux armez en guerre pour aller dans les Isles d'Amerique faire la guerre a ses Sujets sous la Commission de Monsieur l'Electeur de Brandenbourg, Sa Majesté fit partir pour les dites Isles M. le Comte d'Estrées avec une escadre de quatorze vaisseaux pour les prendre ou couler à fonds. Et comme il est porté par le 9me Article du traitté de suspension d'armez que vous aves signé le 3e de ce mois avec l'Ambassadeur de ce Prince, que le comerce sera libre tant par eau que par terre, Sa Majesté veut que vous proposiez au dit Seigneur l'Ambassadeur de donner ordre aux Capitaines des dites deux fregates de ne rien entreprendre au prejudice du dit Traitté contre les Vasseaux des Subjects de Sa Majesté. Et en ce cas Elle fera scavoir audit Seigneur Comte d'Estrées, que son intention est qu'il laisse la liberté aux dites deux fregates, de naviguer par tout ou bon leur semblera. J'attendray ce qu'il vous plaira de me faire scavoir sur ce sujet, pour en rendre compte à Sa Majesté, etc.

      à St. Germaine en l'aye

       le 8me May 1679.


      St. Germain-en-Laye, May 8, 1679.

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