Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period. Various

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Privateering and Piracy in the Colonial Period - Various

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      8 May 1673.

      It is ordered that the seamen above shall be allowed and payd their severall wages (according to their Portlidge bills here Given in) by Mr. Fryer, he taking their receipts of the several seamen. As Attests, Edward Rawson, Sec'y.

      To the Hon'rble the Governour and Magistrates Assembled in Boston,

      The humble request of Thomas Raddon is that whereas the authority of this Jurisdiction hath taken care to secure the ship Providence of Fallmouth in old England, wich was brought into Piscataway by reprisall and the Cargo in her, whereof I the said Thomas Raddon was shipped Master by the owners to performe a voiage to Virginia and from thence home againe, for which care I doe in the behalf of myself and owners returne humble and hearty thanks to your worships.

      And whereas the Providence of God soe ordering that I am now come myselfe, my humble request is that your worships would bee pleased to give orders that the said ship and Goods may be speedily delivered unto your petitioner, that soe I may (with Gods blessing) proceed in my intended voige for the benefit of my imployers according to my obligation, and your petitioner shall ever pray for your worships prosperity.

      Thos. Raddon.

      In Boston this 10th of June, 1673.

      This was presented to the Hono'ble Jno. Leveret, Esq'r, Gov., the 11th of June 1673. As Attest Edward Rawson.

      The Governor and Magistrates having perused the Certificate and finding that Tho. Raddon above, being now arrived, and the rest of the company that was took out of her, was the Master of the said Ship Providence, ordered the Secretary to signify to Mr. Nathaniell Fryer that they advise him to deliver the said ship and what was in her to the said Tho. Raddon, Master, for the use and benefit of the owners, he discharging the charges formerly advised to. As Attest. Edw. Rawson, Secret'y.

       Table of Contents

       38. Examination of John Tooly. June 17, 1673. [1]

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