Anna Karenina (Louise Maude's Translation). Leo Tolstoy
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The book contains one incident the credibility of which has sometimes been questioned. It is said that Vronsky could not have broken his horse’s back in the way depicted in the steeplechase, but I am informed by a very competent authority that just such accidents have actually occurred. A rider by sitting back when jumping a ditch may jerk up his horse’s head and so cause it to drop its hind legs into the ditch, thus breaking its back. It is, moreover, just at narrow ditches, as in Tolstoy’s description, that this is most likely to occur.
Readers of Tolstoy’s books often wish to know something of the author’s life. I may therefore perhaps be allowed to mention that Messrs. Methuen are just publishing a short life of Leo Tolstoy , condensed from the two-volume Life of him which I wrote just before he died.
As English readers are sometimes in doubt where to place the accent on Russian names, a list of characters with the names accentuated is supplied, as also is a list of the Russian words, weights and measures mentioned in the book.
The translators desire to express their thanks to the friends who have assisted them with advice and information during the preparation of this work, and in particular to thank Mr. Benjamin Grad for his kind cooperation.
26 January 1918
Characters in Order of Appearance
With stress-accents marked to show which syllable should be emphasized (This list of characters was published with the Maude translation in 1918.)
Oblónsky, Prince Stephen Arkádyevich (‘Stiva’) Oblónskaya, Princess Dárya Alexándrovna (‘Dolly’), his wife; eldest daughter of Prince Shcherbátsky Matthew, a valet
Karénina, Anna Arkádyevna
Karénin, Aléxis Alexándrovich, her husband Matréna Filimónovna, servant at the Oblónskys’
Tánya, Oblónsky’s daughter Grisha, Oblónsky’s son Nikítin, Philip Ivánich[*]
Grinévich, Michael Stanislávich[*]
[*]Colleagues of Oblónsky’s Lévin, Constantine Dmítrich (‘Kóstya’)
Koznyshév, Sergius Ivánich, Lévin’s half-brother Shcherbátsky, Prince Alexander
Shcherbátskaya, Princess
Shcherbátskaya, Princess Catherine Alexándrovna (‘Kitty’), their youngest daughter Shcherbátsky, the young Prince Nicholas
Lvóva, Princess Nataly Alexándrovna, Prince Shcherbátsky’s second daughter Lvov, Prince (‘Arséney’)
Lévin, Nicholas, Constantine’s brother Prokófy, a servant Mlle Linon, governess at the Shcherbátskys’
Vrónsky, Count Aléxis Kirílich
Countess Nórdston
Countess Vrónskaya, Vrónsky’s mother Karénin, Sergey Alexéyich (‘Serézha,’ ‘Kútik’), Anna’s son Lavrénty, major-domo to Countess Vrónskaya George Korsúnsky, dirigeur at the ball Lída Korsúnskaya, his wife Krítsky, an acquaintance of Nicholas Lévin’s Mary Nikolávna (‘Másha’), living with Nicholas Ignát, Lévin’s coachman Agatha Mikháylovna, Lévin’s housekeeper Kuzmá, Lévin’s man-servant Vasíly Fédorich, Lévin’s steward Prókhor
Ánnushka, Anna’s maid Mariette, the Karénins’ governess Countess Lydia Ivánovna, Karénin’s friend Kondráty, the Karénins’ man-servant Princess Elizabeth Fédorovna Tverskáya (‘Betsy’) Lieutenant Petrítsky, Vrónsky’s friend
Baroness Chilton
Captain Kameróvsky
Démin, Colonel of Vrónsky’s regiment Prince Alexander Vrónsky
Titular-Councillor Wenden
Prince Kédrov, Vrónsky’s fellow-officer Princess Myágkaya
Prince Tverskóy
Nicholas, a cowman Vasíly and Míshka, hired men working on Lévin’s estate Ipát, a peasant
Ryabínin, a dealer Yáshvin, Captain Prince, Vrónsky’s friend Teréshchenko, an orderly Bryánsky
Cord, the English trainer Makhótin[*]
Prince Kusovlév[*]
[*]Officers riding in the steeplechase Slyúdin, Michael Vasílich, Karénin’s secretary Mr. Canut
Rtíshcheva, Mary Evgényevna
Mlle Várenka
Mme Stahl
Petróv, an invalid artist Petróva, Anna Pávlovna, his wife Fomích[*]
[*]Peasants on Lévin’s estate Terénty, the coachman Alésha[*]
[*]Children of Oblónsky’s Parménich, a peasant Vánka, his son
Lisa Merkálova[*]
Sappho Stolz[*]
Prince Kalúzhsky[*]
[*]Visitors at Betsy’s Serpukhovskóy, General Prince
Sviyázhsky, Nicholas Ivánich, a Marshal of the Nobility Nástya, his sister-in-law Michael Petróvich, a visitor at Sviyázhsky’s Iván, a cowman
Theodore Rezunóv, a carpenter Shuráev, a peasant Másha Chibísova, a ballet-dancer Kornéy Vasílich, a servant at Karénin’s Pestsóv, a Liberal Vasíly, an hotel servant Turóvtsyn, a visitor at Oblónsky’s Egór, an hotel attendant Myáskin, a gambler Petróv (Kapitónich), Karénin’s hall-porter Katavásov, Theodore Vasílyevich,