Болезни отменяются. Дин Орниш
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Liu J., Yang G., Tompson-Lanza J.A., Glassman A., Hayes K., Patterson A., Marquez R.T., Auersperg N., Yu Y, Hahn W.C., Mills G.B., Bast R.C. Jr. A genetically defined model for human ovarian cancer. Cancer. Res. 2004 Mar 1; 64 (5): 1655–1663.
Ellsworth D.L., Crof D.T. Jr., Weyandt J., et al. Intensive cardiovascular risk reduction induces sustainable changes in expression of genes and pathways important to vascular function. Circ. Cardiovasc. Genet. 2014 Apr; 7 (2): 151–160. doi: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000121. Epub. 2014 Feb 21.
Ellsworth D.L., Crof D.T. Jr., Weyandt J., et al. Intensive cardiovascular risk reduction induces sustainable changes in expression of genes and pathways important to vascular function. Circ. Cardiovasc. Genet. 2014 Apr; 7 (2): 151–160. doi: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.113.000121. Epub. 2014 Feb 21.
Advanced glycation end product (AGE) – «конечные продукты усиленного гликозилирования»; в свою очередь английский глагол to age переводится как «стареть», а существительное age означает «возраст». Здесь очевидна игра слов. Прим. перев.
Guarente L. Sirtuins, aging, and medicine. N. Engl. J. Med. 2011; 364: 2235–2244.
Di Pino A., Currenti W., Urbano F., et al. High intake of dietary advanced glycation end-products is associated with increased arterial stiffness and inflammation in subjects with type 2 diabetes. Nutr. Metab. Cardiovasc. Dis. 2017 Nov; 27 (11): 978–984. doi: 10.1016/j.numecd.2017.06.014. Epub 2017 Jul 8.
Luevano Contreras C., Chapman-Novakofski K. Dietary advanced glycation end products and aging. Nutrients. 2010; 2: 1247–1265. doi: 10.3390/nu2121247.
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Van Niekerk G., du Toit A., Loos B., Engelbrecht A.M. Nutrient excess and autophagic deficiency: explaining metabolic diseases in obesity. Metabolism. 2018 May; 82: 14–21. doi: 10.1016/j.metabol.2017.12.007. Epub. 2017 Dec 28.
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Solon-Biet S.M., McMahon A.C., Ballard J.W., et al. The ratio of macronutrients, not caloric intake, dictates cardiometabolic health, aging, and longevity in ad libitum-fed mice. Cell. Metab. 2014 Mar 4; 19 (3): 418–430. doi: 10.1016/j.cmet.2014.02.009.
TOR (англ. target of rapamycin – мишень рапамицина) – это сложный белок, самый важный сигнальный путь в организме, отвечает за рост мышц у млекопитающих. Почти все формы рака связаны с активацией TOR и его торможением с помощью лекарственных препаратов, например рапамицина, в честь которого белок и получил свое название. Прим. перев.
Harrison D.E., Strong R., Sharp Z.D., et al. Rapamycin fed late in life extends lifespan in genetically heterogeneous mice. Nature. 2009; 460 (7253): 392–395. doi: 10.1038/nature08221.
Solon-Biet S.M., McMahon A.C., Ballard, J.W., et al. Harrison D.E., Strong R., Sharp Z.D., et al. Rapamycin fed late in life extends lifespan in genetically heterogeneous mice. Nature. 2009; 460 (7253): 392–395. doi: 10.1038/nature08221.
Blagosklonny M.V. TOR-driven aging: speeding car without brakes. Cell. Cycle. 2009; 8: (24): 4055–4059. doi: 10.4161/cc.8.24.10310.
Blagosklonny M.V., Hall M.N. Growth and aging: a common molecular mechanism. Aging. 2009; 1: 357–362.
McCarty M.F. mTORC1 activity as a determinant of cancer risk– rationalizing the cancer-preventive effects of adiponectin, metformin, rapamycin, and low-protein vegan diets. Med. Hypotheses. 2011 Oct; 77 (4): 642–648. doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2011.07.004.
Verburgh K. Nutrigerontology: why we need a new scientific discipline to develop diets and guidelines to reduce the risk of aging-related diseases. Aging. Cell. 2015; 14: 17–24.
Jung C.H., Kim H., Ahn J., et al. Fisetin regulates obesity by targeting mTORC1 signaling. J. Nutr. Biochem. 2013