Sensei of Shambala. Book IV. Anastasia Novykh
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Book IV
The voice became silent. But in a few instants the words sounded in the darkness with a new force.
“Creation of the universe is mastered
By His great hand.
As a skillful Master of creation
He adds new colours.
Bright colours of the nature,
Blue river canvas,
Bunch of wildflowers,
Blue of great mountains.
But mostly He is attracted
By the invisible flight of the Soul
In fearless gaze of a young and old man,
And of that one who is close to God and comes to Him.
And they are not stopped on their great
By any illusive burden of existence,
That attacks in this instant
As pain, despair and poverty.
Since they are led by great Will
Of the One, whose Essence is Love.
The choice is given and it is Freedom,
And Knowledge of that secret
Hidden in cover of only four masterpieces.
And if you open that cover and will see the boundary of the Extreme Lotus,
You will cognize what is thrice written by the hand
Of the One who embodied the Voice of
God into a covenant.
That Truth hides the universe,
It keeps a secret seal,
If you tears if off, you will lessen the
Imaginary people’s values
But what you will find there is more precious that the world,
More valuable than what lies beyond its boundaries,
And it is deemed to be long forgotten,
As it is a key to the Word given.
The one who strives to God, can’t be stopped,
The one who wants power over the world, is welcome!
You will decide which way to chose,
When you utter the Word of 12 which creates everything.
But remember that now in you power
Is the destiny of worlds, the destiny of people.
Be careful and passionless
Be reasonable in your wishes.
As He entrusted the brush for some time,
That creates the world from nothing.
But this instant will be over as well
So be worthy to look into His eyes with Honour!
This secret makes clear many things,
It gives the chance and peculiarity to the one
Who wants to know the Truth with a sincere heart
Who is faithful only to God and comes to Him!”
Life is so amazing, so many-sided, diverse and unpredictable both for the whole nations, and for each man individually. Its events, hidden and evident, are transient and impressive. Their invisible trace they leave in people’s memory is mysterious. They don’t only leave but unnoticeably change the future destiny both of a man and of nations, depending on their own choice.
Reading once more my diary from the point of view of independent mature age and recalling those years I all the same come to the conclusion that that last day of rest on the sea coast of our young that time company headed by Sensei became one of the most important days in my life. It was the day which not only left indelible impressions but deeply changed my world view, understanding of the global structure of this world and strengthened more my spiritual positions and clearly determined the sense of my life. And I’m grateful to Sensei for that as the coming years of my formation as a personality gave me the possibility to understand more deeply what he had told us that time.
After the visit of an unexpected guest called Ariman to our tent “camp” located on the sea coast far from civilization I didn’t have a chance to sleep well. All the night I was tortured by terrible nightmares connected with the events of the day before. Slaves, crowd, rule of Archons, mean eyes of Veliar, friendly smile of Ariman. And all of that was against a background of some internal depression and despair. Not only that this serial of total thrillers projected from the subconscience to my dream stretched out till the morning, it was accompanied by different external “trick effects” emitted by Tatiana, my neighbor in the tent. I should say, she also suffered all the night: she moaned, quivered with the whole body, suddenly stretched out her hands. As our tent was small for two of us, so I naturally reacted sensibly to all this sound and martial process of Tatiana’s dream, and was awaken terrified by those “trick effects” supplementing my “horror film”. So, that night was more than “joyous”.
Nevertheless at down I managed to fall asleep. But my peaceful dream in its final series lasted not long. At the end, obviously for the “spectator” to be kept impressed by this “horror”, I dreamt of something so terrible that I was abruptly awakened out of fear, and even after I opened my eyes, I couldn’t understand whether it was all true. But when I realized that that terrifying “reality” was just a dream, I sighed with such a relief as if a load was off my mind. A human needs so little sometimes to feel happy, he has just to wake up from the reality alien to him.
In silence I laughed at myself. Why was I so confused yesterday and paid so much attention to the old wives’ tales of Ariman? Now it came to such a result. I wondered if it’s possible to control my dreams, or what is better, to manage them. A thought came across my mind that when an opportunity offers, I should ask Sensei about that in details. Since we waste for dreams almost eight hours per day! And by the way, is it a dream at all? As once Nikolai Andreevich, psychotherapist by profession, said, a dream is just an altered state of consciousness. If it’s so, it can be managed for the benefit of the Spiritual nature. Why should we waste the entire eight hours per day in vain, giving them to the power of our Animal nature?! It shouldn’t be like that! I’m sure that there should be a way to use this time more rationally. Life is so short and every minute is precious in it if it’s lived for the benefit to the Spiritual nature.
However, as soon as I put my thoughts in relative order, there appeared another problem. Suddenly I felt some bitter after-taste in my mouth that began to be filled by profuse saliva as if I half-bit a thick lemon segment. This unusual for me sensation caused in its turn a vivid recollection of the day before. It was Ariman (unexpected guest who visited us with his own luxurious yacht and spent almost the whole day with us) who accompanied our group on the way to rest houses and proposed us to test the power of our subconsciousness. We immediately agreed on it, except for Nikolai Andreevich and Sensei who left us a bit behind when talking about something of their own. Ariman held a short verbal “performance” helping us to concentrate, and after that almost all of us felt for some reason that strange lemon after-taste in the mouth. Ariman promised us that next morning as soon as we wake up, our subconsciousness will reproduce in mind word-for-word everything he told us during his visit. Of course, we didn’t believe it. And Eugene even said that “there will be just a few drops from the whole flow that would leak through his personal mill-ponds and dams”. Our guest smiled him in reply and fixing his gaze on the guy’s eyes promised him the whole spring flood with broad overflows. Surely, we didn’t take it for serious that time. But now…
After practically a sudden flash of memories concerning that scene of the day before, my thoughts, as if it were a repeated broadcasting, began to transmit the speech of Ariman.