Sensei of Shambala. Book IV. Anastasia Novykh
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Sensei smiled and replied joining this game of ‘official tone’, “Doctor, you have a wrong concept about the genuine reality of that time. And you will understand later why. And you will not just understand it but you will find necessary guidelines due to which you will find out all the truth about that time which would exhaust all your doubts. And now I will mention that witchcraft was prohibited in Ancient Egypt. There were clear distinctions between the divine mysticism which was based on knowledge of the ancients, prayer and assiduous spiritual service to God, and witchcraft which was practiced by curious laity inspired by their egoism as well as sorcerers or the so called ‘black magicians’, people who possessed some knowledge and used it for their mercenary goals against other people. Furthermore, people were strongly convinced that sorcery was harmful for spiritual health of people. And by the way some of the priests had even such a ‘specialization’ and were called Uab Sekhmet. They were specially trained to ‘neutralize’ activities of black magicians. Some echo of that priests’ ‘specialization’ could be seen in the modern world. The same is practiced by modern priests who deal with exorcism.”
“Alright, but you will not deny that they practiced magic forecasts of the future in Ancient Egypt and at least astrology?!” Nikolai Andreevich couldn’t stop.
“I will,” Sensei declared firmly but with a smile. And he explained immediately. “It took place but with a completely different implication than it is interpreted today. Let’s regard for example forecasts. One of Egyptian ‘commandments’ stipulated that people are not allowed to know about the future and to resort to services of fortune-tellers. It was written in the rules for priests, “Don’t try to know what hasn’t happened yet”. Moreover, the title of the highest priest (Imhotep also got it later) was called Ur Maa, it means ‘the Great prophet”. However activities of this priest weren’t connected with magical forecasts. His goal was to interpret in a right way the past events in order to ‘understand the will of God on which depended the future’. Since Egyptians were in earnest about the past important events, ‘signs’ and dreams, it was considered that God tries to warn people through them about something. And I would like to mention that due to this belief ancient Egyptians were very observant people in regard to both natural phenomena and social. Their ‘predictions’ were based on revelation of analytical regularities. The same concerned ‘astrlogy’ as well. ‘Astrology’ of that time wasn’t ‘fortune-telling’. In general it could be rather called as scientific forecasts in agricultural, astronomic, medical issues. Because namely priests dealt with development of science that time.
“But still, who were priests, religious leaders or scientists?” Victor asked.
“Both of them. In general they had a special priestly structure. The highest priests were religious leaders who were dealing with such issues as religion, politics and science. Also they had in this structure priests-scientists, priests-physicians, priests-clerks, priests-administrators, priests-clergymen, preachers. By the way, the last ones read during temple servies to believers ‘divine laws’, religious ‘teachings’ and preached.”
“Hem, I see their structure was similar to nowadays religions,” Victor remarked.
“Rather!” Sensei said with a smile.
Nikolai Andreevich uttered with a slight note of scepticism, “Well, I could imagine if in the modern world with its priority of scientific knowledge a physician would start to pray before healing a patient. It can cause confusion…”
“Confusion?!’ Sensei grinned. “Do you know, doctor, that even those who are considered now in the world medicine to be the most pragmatic people, I mean surgeons whose work is connected with living matter… and not just surgeons but outstanding surgeons… they prayed before operation, during operation and after operation. And they pray till now for the health of their patients. Since they know from their experience that however highly qualified a doctor is, many things in his practice depend on the Will from Above.”
“Really?” Nikolai Andreevich was sincerely surprised and uttered thoughtfully. “I didn’t know that…”
“But we digressed a bit from the main work of Imhotep,” Sensei came back to the main topic. “Due to that grandiose unprecedented building and joining to it of the best people in Egypt Imhotep got an opportunity to chose his personal disciples from the best both men and women who had a grain of spirituality and humanity. That group which Imhotep took to teach personally consisted of people with different professions but primarity it based itself on brick-layers. Therefore Imhotep entitled his group approximately as ‘Spiritually free brick-layers’ that is those who strived to the freedom of soul and got firem monolith-like belief and knowledge.
“Gradually they developed symbols of Imhotep’s ‘Spiritually free brick-layers’ which were copied so dashingly later by Ariman’s ‘Freemasons’: a bricklayer’s apron, a stone, a hammer, a pyramid with all-seeing eye (the ancient sign of Shambala, and for Imhotep’s brick-layers it meant belonging to light, spiritual forces), Phoenix, Sphinx (later ‘Freemasons’ changed it to a lion), a forepaw of Sphinx (a lion’s forepaw), figures 3, 5, 7, 13, 33 (it’s a number of people who formed a certain circle of power) etc. They recognized each other by certain words, signs and touches and later it was taken over by ‘Freemasons’. By the way, the sign of pentagram, the isogonal five-point star, which became popular among ‘Freemasons’ was one of the most important symbols for ‘Spiritually free brick-layers’ but they interpreted it completely differently. The thing is that according to the primordial knowledge of the science of ‘White Lotus’ a star is a symbol of the female divine nature, a circle means life and Universe. A star in a circle means a presence of female divine nature in the circle of existence. Besides, the female nature was regarded as a vessel for reincarnations and a woman regarded as a force– and life-giving being. That’s why they depicted in Ancient Egypt the Kingdom of Duat as a star in a circle which meant a kingdom for reincarnations of human souls.
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