Sensei of Shambala. Book IV. Anastasia Novykh
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“Really?” Kostya was surprised together with us. “Does it mean that these pyramids are not found yet?! But why?”
“As usual, because there is either no good chance or information. But as they say, there is time for everything… So, as far as places concerned which were visied by Osiris. Not by occasion the ancient name of Volga river is Ra. And not by occasion such an untypical for those places plant as lotus flower was brought there. And surely not for appearance the so called today ‘Altai princesses’, and in fact ‘virgins of Knowledge’ made themselves special tatoos from symbols in ancient times. All of that has the same roots of origin of this knowledge. So, the one who wishes will get knowledge…” Sensei looked attentively at curious faces of the guys and continued his story. “So, Boddhisattvas, when among people, not only took care of people like about babies in the cradle but it was natural that they communicated with representatives of other civilizations… And there is nothing extraordinary in it. In principle the humankind has a chance to develop to such a level during the next hundred years that it can freely visit other worlds. And at those times this communication between Boddhisattvas and representatives of other worlds were normal. And it’s quite natural because however developed is the material civilization it will strive to communication with more developed creatures, particularly when, as I have already said, Boddhisattvas were for quite a long time present among people that time.”
“Was it something like a unique chance for representatives of other worlds to cognize more than they know?” Victor made a conclusion.
“Right you are,” Sensei nodded. “That’s why the presence of that cosmodrome not far from Egypt, on the territory of modern Libya, it’s preserved by the way till now…”
“Cosmodrome?!” we asked almost unaminously.
“Yes,” shrugging shoulders Sensei calmly replied to our general surprise. “Now it is called by scientists as ‘Baalbek verandah’. It’s a huge platform built from gigantic blocks, each of them weighs 360 tons, with special holes on each side of the platform. Archeologists still rack their brains over its destination. Though unlike world-views of people from previous epochs they started at least to guess that it looks like a cosmodrome,” Sensei grinned. “Their naivety is striking! They look for traces of soot from spaceship’s fuel and mean by fuel the one with its components which is known nowadays.” Sensei stated with surprise. “What tanks should one have with such fuel in order to go to, for example, Sirius and to come back?! They are so ridiculous, they look for traces of combustive-lubricating stuff and even don’t assume that there are a lot of other sources of alternative energy which are more economical and environmenally safe.Well, as they say, everybody relies on information available to him.”
Apart from ‘Baalbek verandah’ there were other cosmodromes which didn’t require such a big landing place. There was a region in the immediate bottom of the Nile ‘flower’ for such spaceships. It’s natural that this intensive traffic was noticed by people that’s why quite curious ancient legends about that time were preserved in the memory of generations.
“Which legends, for example?” Nikolai Andreevich asked.
“For example, the legends about ancient city of Khem which was later called as Letopolis by Greeks. It was situated near the ‘bottom of flower’, on the Western coast of Rosette arm of the Nile. There are some legends that in antiquity it was called a ’city of thunderbolt’ and according to religious sources Khem is known as a ‘road sign that shows a way for Osiris to the sky’. They considered this city an earthly reflection of Sirius. It was connected with one of ancient names of god Horus. As you remember, his was depicted as a winged disc, and a falcon, and a man with falcon’s head.
“Or here is another city which was situated not far from Khem (almost on the same geographical latitude) at the ‘bottom of the flower’ and known in antiquity as Iunu (as you remember, it’s Bible’s On, or in Greek version Heliopolis, that is the ‘city of Sun’). There is also a legend about a sacred hill in Iunu where the Sun rose for the first. Then the sacred column was erected on that place in memory of past, later it was replaced by not less sacred relic from ancient times, the Ben-Ben stone shaped as rounded cone (later it was transformed in legends into the Greek work ‘pyramidon’.).
The ancients ascribe this stone to extraterrestrial origin. In the opinion of people it is considered ‘lost long time ago’. It was depicted in sacred signs together with Phoenix bird which was sitting on it. At first sight all these stories seem to be just a fairy-tale. Most of all modern scientist may assume that the ancients invented a story and took the ordinary aerolite for a ‘sacred stone’ which fell from the sky. Even if they will investigate the root ‘ben’ and will know that it means ‘seed’, ‘insemination’ and will connect it with the legend about Phoenix which flies to people from time to time from the East and bears a new cycle. In the best case they will attribute it all to religious primitive connected with the cult of fertility and will be satisfied with that. But in fact it’s all not so simple…”
Sensei looked at the position of the sun on the sky and made a suggestion, “Let’s… make a break. It’s time to swim, don’t you mind, guys?”
“It’s high time,” Nikolai Andreevich agreed with him and glanced over our company, “since everybody became ruddy like a cake.”
“Well, it’s always like that, you interrupt on the most interesting place!” groaning Eugene started to stand up together with other guys. “By the way, you said something about cakes… Do we have something good to eat?!”
Since Eugene addressed this question to Tatyana, she answered merrily, “We’ll find!”
We decided first to swim. Though nobody actually swam earnestly. We just plunged a few times because the water seemed too cold after our long sitting under sun. As soon as me and Tatyana entered the water, we immediately jumped out of it and went to the tent with fool. Nobody wanted to spend too much time for cooking a lunch that’s why we prepared quickly sandwiches for all. Meanwhile by initiative of Nikolai Andreevich the guys made our beach more cosy by stretching a big tent over our beach towels in order to protect all of us from direct burnings sun beams and to provide more comfort for our further rest. They have done it quite well. The blowing light breeze seemed to me in the tent’s shaddow to be even more ‘refreshing’. We arranged an improvised table with sandwiches and mineral water on the beach towels. After all of us have well stuffed ourselves Sensei continued his fascinating story. This time I ’equiped’ myself with a note-book with a pen and began to record Sensei’s story in details.
“So, as far as Imhotep concerned,” Sensei began to tell. “This man used skillfully and praiseworthly the knowledge revealed to him by the Sokrovennik. Soon due to his tireless work Imhotep became famous among people as a skillful doctor and was invited to the court of the pharaoh who is known today in history under the name of Djoser (though his name sounded in Ancient Egypt differently), the king of the third dynasty who founded his capital in the city of Memphis. To put it more precise, at those days this city was called by Egyptians also differently, ‘Khet-Ka-Ptah’, which meant ‘chamber of the soul of god Ptah’ (or the ‘palace of the soul of god Ptah’) since god-craftsman Ptah was believed to be a supreme god of this city. And before that it was simply called a ‘city with white walls’. Memphis is already a Greek interpretation of the more ancient Egypt name of this city ‘Menepher’ (‘Good haven’). If you look at modern map and this city was situated not far from modern Cairo in the strategically important