The Road to Recognition. Seth Price
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Praise for The Road to Recognition
“Clever, fun and about as comprehensive a guide as you’ll find anywhere.“
ANN HANDLEY, author of Everybody Writes and Content Rules
“Current, useful, actionable and true. It’s gold!”
JAY BAER, author of Youtility and Hug Your Haters
“Deceptively simple, yet incredibly effective. Read it, act on it, and then be patient. You won’t be sorry.”
JOE PULIZZI, author of Content Inc. and Epic Content
“If you want to build a personal brand in the digital age, this should be your bible.“
BRIAN DEAN, founder of
“This highly actionable book explains exactly how to create and scale your personal brand.“
BRAD INMAN, founder of Inman News
“Personal branding is a necessity in today’s marketplace. This quick and easy guide shows you how to do it with heart and verve.“
DORIE CLARK, author of Stand Out and Reinventing You
“This is a clear and concise guide to what might be the most important skill in today’s marketplace. Smart, funny, authentic and super-helpful. Do what these guys say and you will reap the rewards.”
DOUG KESSLER, co-founder of Velocity Partners
“Building your personal brand is important for anyone who wants to lead a team, build a business, achieve success, and make a difference. Seth and Barry, two leading voices on this important topic, provide actionable advice for building an effective personal brand. If you want to achieve success in your career on your own terms, you need to read this book.“
MICHAEL BRENNER, author of The Content Formula
“This is the most complete (and engaging) book on the topic of personal branding ever created. Get a copy. Apply the lessons. Enjoy your ascent. Getting recognized for your area of expertise is the name of the game. Bravo Barry and Seth.”
ANDY CRESTODINA, author of Content Chemistry
“Puts the art of brand building into a measurable, fun, learning experience that will literally put you on the digital map for years to come.“
LAURA MONROE, VP of industry and strategic development at RealSatisfied
“Growing professional influence is on the list of every fast-tracking professional in the business world. The Road to Recognition does a great job of combining clever design with succinct, actionable tips on everything from authenticity to audience targeting to help you on your path to brandividual success.“ LEE ODDEN, author of Optimize
“Personal branding is all about building rapport at scale. And rapport is one of the most fundamental sales techniques. Seth and Barry have outlined a simple roadmap for building relationships and recognition in the digital age. This is a must read.“
MARK ROBERGE, author of Sales Acceleration Formula
“If you’re a living, breathing human being doing business in this world, you’re a brand, and no one understands that more than Seth and Barry. Here is a roadmap to success worth reading.“
NOBU HATA, director of member engagement for the National Association of REALTORS®
“This book is a valuable primer on how to develop a voice that, by benefiting others, will amplify your success.“
PAM O’CONNOR, CEO of Leading Real Estate Companies of the World
“Seth and Barry have done a wonderful job of breaking down how to set yourself apart from the rest of the pack with some easy-to-understand concepts that are instantly implementable.“
STEPHEN SCHWEICKART, CEO of VScreen & partner at Angel Bespoke
“The Road to Recognition is one of those books that reminds me of how I felt while reading Gary Vaynerchuk’s first book, Crush It. As I read I’m making a list of everyone I want to send this book to.“ STEPHANIE CHUMBLEY, director of new media and education at Chicago Title Company of Oregon
“These days, everyone has a brand. Everyone. And that brand matters a lot. This book shows you the how, what, and why of personal branding in the digital age. Well done!“
MARCUS SHERIDAN, author of They Ask, You Answer
“Personal branding is a language that’s best learned via a guided journey. Read this book to master individual differentiation in the land of information overload we call the web.“
FREDERICK TOWNES, co-founder of Placester
“This is simply the speak-n-spell of personal branding! If you’re looking for a simple and pragmatic way to build your personal brand, look no further. You absolutely need to work your way through the alphabet of The Road to Recognition. Each letter, errr chapter, helps you master a rich language of building a strategy that will take your career to the next level.” ROBERT ROSE, author of Experiences: The Seventh Era of Marketing
“A first of its kind—a field manual for personal branding in today’s information age. Its value is priceless for those wishing to succeed professionally.”
CHAD POLITT, VP of Audience and partner at Native Adversiting Institute
“You have to read this book. While digital marketing is always in a state of flux, the fundamentals never change. Seth Price and Barry Feldman have distilled the art of personal branding into 26 easy-to-understand chapters so that anyone can take immediate action and dramatically increase their brand presence.”
SUJAN PATEL, author of The Content Marketing Playbook
“The Road to Recognition is the only book about building a personal brand that you will ever need to read. Most business books have one kickass takeaway. This one has 26.” CHRIS SMITH, author of The Conversion Code
“Having a strong personal brand and communicating it is more important than ever. The Road to Recognition will help you map out the journey of personal branding. I love the style—easy to read and entertaining but packed with amazing advice on how to build YOUR brand.” LAURIE WESTON DAVIS, CEO of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate
“When it comes to building your brand, it’s a jungle out there. Between blogging, social media, landing pages and email, there’s so much to manage in today’s always-on, always-connected universe. Seth Price and Barry Feldman distill years of marketing and technology experience into an elegant blueprint that can be easily put into action by anyone.”
STEFAN SWANEPOEL, author of Surviving Your Serengeti
“The Road to Recognition provides