The Road to Recognition. Seth Price

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The Road to Recognition - Seth Price

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can work for anyone. Once you accept your personal brand is mission-critical in the digital age, you need to read this book.” BERNIE BORGES, CEO of Find and Convert

      “If you need to learn about branding—and you do—this is the book.”

       ALONZO BODDEN, comedian, winner of NBC’s Last Comic Standing

      “Seth and Barry have simplified the roadmap for building your personal brand in today’s marketplace. All you need now is the commitment to do the work required to connect with your audience.“

       KRISHNA GUPTA, founder & managing partner of Romulus Capital

      “There are plenty of smart people and resources in this industry, but few think about the delivery and reader experience like Seth and Barry. If you’re a believer in books that are both nutritious AND delicious, you’re in luck.”

       JAY ACUNZO, founder of

      “Essential reading for anyone looking to accelerate the process of establishing a recognized personal brand.”

       JAKE ANDERSON, co-founder of FertilityIQ

      “You need a personal brand and Seth and Barry nail it on how to develop one—from A-to-Z. A must read!”

       DR. NICK MORGAN, author of Power Cues and Trust Me

      “If you don’t tell your story, somebody else will. In The Road to Recognition, Seth Price and Barry Feldman give entrepreneurs a fast and dynamic playbook for growing and keeping the friends and fans essential for building your business.” AUDIE CHAMBERLAIN, CEO of Lion & Orb

      Copyright ©2017 by Seth Price and Barry Feldman

       All rights reserved.

      Published in the United States by Ideapress Publishing.

       Ideapress Publishing | All trademarks are the property of their respective companies.

      Cover design by Studio laPlancha

      Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file with the Library of Congress.

       ISBN: 978-1-940858-37-1

      Proudly Printed in the United States of America by Selby Marketing Associates

      Special Sales

       IdeaPress Books are available at a special discount for bulk purchases for sales promotions and premiums, or for use in corporate training programs. Special editions, including personalized covers, custom forewords, corporate imprints and bonus content are also available. For more details, email

      No animals were harmed in the writing, printing or distribution of this book. The trees, unfortunately, were not so lucky.

      To Jayna and Leah, my teenage daughters, who

       are soon to begin rocking down roads of

       their own,


      To my aunt Helen who taught me how to thrive in

       adversity. And, for my amazing children:

       Aidan, Emmanuel, Ava, and Julien,


      Table of Contents



       A is for Authenticity

       B is for Blog

       C is for Content

       D is for Design

       E is for Email

       F is for Followers

       G is for Google

       H is for Helping

       I is for Influencers

       J is for Joining

       K is for Keywords

       L is for LinkedIn

       M is for Media

       N is for Network

       O is for Offers

       P is for Podcast

       Q is for Questions

       R is for Recognizing Others

       S is for Speaking

       T is for Target

       U is for Unique

       V is for Video

       W is for Website

       X is for eXamine

       Y is for the “You Do” List


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