A Crossed Reality. Gerald Pruett
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In the reality Alpha, at the library, Kenny, Brandy and Cindy were together at the same table, but on the opposite side of the library. They were faced down, passed out on their books. The librarian walked up to the table and as he shook them awake, he said, “Hey, wake up. You three can’t sleep here.”
After waking up, Kenny looked around before asking, “What happen to Alex, Doug, Randy and Ben?”
Brandy had a confused expression on her face before asking, “How did we get at this table?”
In Ben’s hometown of Atlanta, Georgia, Ben woke up at a local tire and auto shop while wearing the shop’s uniform. Other workers and customers were standing over him while giving him a deeply concerned look.
Doug woke up in his dorm room with Richard Hawkins standing over him with a worried look on his face.
When Doug saw Richard hovering over him, he sat up and asked, “What happened?”
“Dude, you just collapsed to the floor for no apparent reason,” Richard answered.
Doug looked around without standing up and saw that he was in his dorm room. After refocusing on Richard he asked, “Okay, I’ve seen you around campus, but who are you and why are you in my dorm?”
Richard stared at Doug as if he had lost his mind before asking, “Did you hit your head when you fell, Dude?”
Doug thought about his condition for a moment before saying, “My head is killing me. Who are you though?”
“I’m Richard; your roommate,” he pointed out. “I think you better go and get checked out at the hospital.”
“You’re not my roommate,” Doug said with strong certainty in his tone.
“Yes, Dude, I am,” Richard corrected. “We have been roommates since our freshmen year.”
“My brother is my roommate.”
“What brother? You don’t have a brother.”
Doug said sarcastically, “My twin brother Alex. We have been roommates all our lives.”
“Now I know you hit your head when you fell if you’re thinking that Alex is your twin brother.”
“He is my twin brother,” Doug insisted.
“No, Dude; Alex is your twin sister.”
A shock expression flashed across Doug’s face while uttering, “What?!”
“Alex is your twin sister,” Richard repeated. “I know you can’t think of her as being hot, but come on; even you have to admit that she is a knockout. She stands five feet, five inches tall; she has the most gorgeous body with beautiful red hair that flows midway down her back. She has the most beautiful green eyes. She’s a snob though so she could really use a personality makeover.”
Doug thought for a second before blurting out, “Randy Miller, I’m going to kill you when I get my hands on you.”
“Who is Randy Miller?”
“Never mind,” Doug said as he shook his head. “Richard, you’re right, I think I did hit my head and I’m having memory lapses. So can you take me to my sister?”
“Sure, Dude,” Richard said before reaching his hand out to help Doug up.
Minutes later, Doug stood next to Richard as Richard knocked on a dorm door. Trudy Appleby opened the door and when she saw Doug, she said, “Thank God that you’re here, Doug. Alex fainted a moment ago and when she woke up she went hysterical. She acted shocked that she’s a woman.”
Richard gave Doug a perplexed look before asking, “Is there a twin thing going on between you and Alex?”
Doug looked at Richard as if he had lost his mind for a moment before shaking it off and facing Trudy again. “Where is Alex now?”
“She’s in her bedroom,” Trudy answered while gesturing. “She’s looking into her mirror and repeating, ‘I’m dreaming this. This is not happening.’ Doug, you need to go in there and talk to her.”
“I will,” Doug said before walking into the dorm.
In the common room there was a couch, a coffee table and an entertainment center. The entertainment center held a TV, a combination VCR and DVD player, and a small stereo system. There were two bedroom doors.
Doug stepped up to the closed door and knocked. “Alex, it’s me; Doug.”
Alex opened the door and said sternly, “You are not real. This is all a dream.”
Doug lustfully gawked at Alex for a moment. He then shook it off and whispered, “You’re not dreaming, Alex. We jumped into another reality.”
“We jumped?” Alex confusingly questioned just as the reality of the situation had hit her. “We jumped!”
Alex walked back into her room and looked into the mirror.
Inside Alex’s bedroom was a small wardrobe closet, a twin bed with a purse setting near the head of the bed, a dresser and a small desk with a chair pushed in. On top of the desk was a laptop computer. The mirror that Alex was looking into hung on the wall over Alex’s laptop.
Doug stepped into the bedroom and shut the door behind him.
As Alex looked at Doug’s reflection, she said, “I’m going to kill Randy Miller when I see him.”
Doug amusingly grinned while saying jokingly, “You know, I have to admit that this is a great look for you.”
Alex looked at Doug with a distasteful grin while uttering, “I’m glad you are enjoying this. Look at me. I’m a woman.”
Doug said in a lustful tone, “Oh believe me, I definitely see that you’re a woman.”
Alex said sternly, “Stop that! And stop looking at me like that. Although, I’m not Alexander on this side of the twilight zone, we are still siblings… at least I think we are.”
“We’re still twins, but apparently in this reality you were born a girl. Mom must really like the name Alex for that to be your name in this reality.” Alex checked her pockets. She then looked around the room for a second. “What are you looking for?”
Alex pointed to a purse on the bed while saying, “That. Most likely that would be mine and I want to check to see what Alex is short for.” Alex walked over and took out a wallet from the purse. When Alex looked at her driver’s license Doug saw a disturbed expression on her face.
Doug moved closer while asking, “What is it?”
“My name is Alexandra Nicole Larson,” Alex said while standing there with a confused expression across her face. Doug went to pull out his wallet. “Am I married in this reality?”
Doug looked at his driver’s license before saying, “No; you’re not