A Crossed Reality. Gerald Pruett
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“That’s what I have too,” Doug said as he gazed at his license.
Alex went to put her license and wallet away while saying, “I don’t know why our last name is Larson or why we live on Wild Deer Road, but we need to be concentrating on a way to get back to our reality.”
Doug was putting his wallet away when he said, “I believe our first step on that is to find the one person who’s responsible for us being here.”
Alex crossed her arms while saying, “Randy Miller.”
“Exactly. We should check his house.” Doug motioned towards the door as he continued to say, “Ladies first.”
Without attempting to move, Alex said with a smirk, “You’re enjoying this way too much.”
“Okay, I’ll go first,” Doug said as he made a slight move towards the door.
“Well, before we leave, I want to check something,” Alex said before turning towards the dresser.
“What do you want to check?”
As Alex walked towards the dresser, she said, “Since mom keeps a diary, perhaps I would too.”
Alex pulled open the top drawer; searched it thoroughly and then closed it. As she was going onto the next drawer, Doug checked underneath the mattress.
Alex was opening the third drawer when Doug said, “You can stop looking. I found what you’re looking for.”
Alex faced Doug before asking, “How did you know to look underneath the mattress?”
Doug held out the diary for Alex to take and said, “That’s where mom keeps hers.”
As Alex took the diary, she asked, “You read mom’s diary?”
“No,” Doug quickly answered. “I just saw her placing it there one day.”
Alex glanced at the diary before questioning, “How come I get the feeling that you might’ve read my diary in this reality?”
Doug gave Alex a concern look before asking, “And you are becoming sensitive about the mere idea of the Doug of this reality reading your alternate’s diary?”
Alex thought for a moment before saying, “You’re right. This is not our reality and we shouldn’t get too focused on what the us of this reality did or didn’t do.” Alex put the diary in her purse and then put her purse over her shoulder. “Well, we better get going. I’ll read this diary on the way. Oh, you wouldn’t know my roommate’s name by any chance, would you?”
“I sure don’t,” Doug said while shaking his head. “I never even saw her in our reality.”
Alex gestured towards the door while saying, “Well, let’s go and maybe we can find out what her name is without appearing that we lost our memories.”
Trudy and Richard were having a casual conversation in the common room and they abruptly stopped talking when Alex and Doug stepped out of the bedroom.
Trudy faced Alex before asking, “So how are you feeling?”
“I’m good,” Alex said with an embarrass grin. “Well, Doug and I have something to do.”
“You’re leaving now?” Trudy quickly asked.
Alex gave Trudy a curious look while asking, “Is there a reason that I shouldn’t?”
“We have a class in ten minutes,” Trudy pointed out.
Alex asked in a tone as if to make a point, “I’m not failing this class… am I?”
Trudy, with a confused expression across her face, answered, “Well, I know you’re not failing. But what does that have to do anything?”
“Well, if I’m not failing then missing this one class won’t hurt my grade.” Trudy continued to give Alex a perplexed stare as Alex continued to say, “I’ll see you later.” Trudy was slightly baffled as she watched Alex and Doug leaving the dorm.
Chapter Two
As Alex and Doug were walking towards the parking lot, Doug reached into his pocket and pulled out a car remote. When he saw that the car remote was for a Jeep vehicle, he said, “Well, I don’t own a Mustang in this reality.”
Alex saw what kind of remote Doug was holding and questioned, “You own a Jeep in this reality?”
“Apparently so,” Doug said before noticing that Alex was deep in her own thoughts. “Is there anything wrong?”
“Dad wouldn’t approve if one of us bought a Jeep, Chrysler or a Dodge vehicle,” Alex said as she and Doug were walking into the parking lot.
“Maybe Dad didn’t get hurt at the Chrysler Plant and sued the company in this reality.”
“Doug, I’m getting an uncomfortable feeling.” When Alex saw that Doug was giving her a concerned look she asked, “Why are you staring at me that way?”
Doug stopped walking and said, “You are beginning to sound like Mom.”
“Doug, I’m serious. This reality is totally different. Our last names are Larson; we live on Wild Deer Road and you own a vehicle that was made by Chrysler. Aren’t you curious to know why things are the way they are?”
“No, I’m not, Alex. This is not our reality, and I for one am not worried as to why things are the way they are in this reality.”
“Well, I am, so I hope you don’t mind that I investigate some.”
“As long as it doesn’t hinder us getting back to our reality, investigate all you want.” Doug then looked over the parking lot and when he saw a Jeep Wrangler a few cars from him, he pressed the remote. Nothing happened when he pressed the button. “Well, that’s not it.”
Alex looked around and saw a Jeep Liberty at a distance. She pointed to it and said, “There’s a Liberty over there. Perhaps that’s it.”
Alex followed Doug to the vehicle and again nothing happened when Doug pressed the button. “Do you see any more Jeeps around here?”
As Alex and Doug were looking in all directions, Alex said, “We might have to check the other parking lot.”
Doug looked at Alex with an amused grin before saying, “I didn’t think I would ever say this to you, but check your purse. See what kind of car keys you have.”
Alex rummaged through her purse and pulled out another Jeep vehicle remote. Alex grinned before saying, “Apparently I own a Jeep also.” Alex then pressed the button, and the Jeep Liberty locks popped up. “Hey, it appears that this Liberty is mine.”
“Good, we’ll take your Jeep and worry about mine later.”