Ghost Detectors Volume 1. Dotti Enderle
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He brushed by Cocoa, nearly knocking her down. “Hey, creep!” she shouted.
But Malcolm didn’t hear either one. He was already flying down the basement steps, two at a time.
He knocked some magazines and empty cups off the counter and set the box down. He wished he had X-ray vision because he couldn’t wait to see inside. He quickly took a pair of scissors and sliced through the label that said Ecto Corporation.
When he popped up the lid, an avalanche of white foam peanuts poured to his feet. After digging through what seemed like a million of those things, including the three that stuck to his arm, Malcolm found his prize! It was wrapped in a mile of Bubble Wrap. Oh well . . . it was better than getting a broken specter detector.
Malcolm unwound and unwound and unwound until—finally—he glimpsed it. The silver metal gadget shone like a trophy. It resembled a hand drill with three small bubbles on top, one red, one green, and one gold. It was the most beautiful thing Malcolm had ever seen.
He reached in to lift it out and was surprised at how heavy it was. This was no toy. On the left side of the handle was a small door for the batteries. On the right side was a switch. It looked easy enough. The switch was labeled Off—On—Detect.
Malcolm eyed the switch, butterflies thumping his belly. He took a deep breath and quickly flipped it on.
Then he remembered. *Batteries not included.
He opened a drawer and selected two C batteries. They popped out three times before he got them installed. Then he tried the switch again. This time, he wasn’t so nervous.
In the On position, the green light glowed, and the specter detector hummed. Malcolm was thrilled! He switched the gadget off and ran upstairs to the phone.
“Dandy, get over here quick. You’ve got to see this!”
Malcolm stood in the front yard, waiting for Dandy. He impatiently rocked back and forth—one leg, then the other. Soon Dandy came thumping up the walk, taking his own sweet time.
“What do you want to show me?” he asked.
“It’s in the lab. You gotta see it!”
When they walked into the living room, Grandma Eunice grinned at Dandy. “Hello, Alfred,” she said.
Dandy looked back to make sure she wasn’t talking to someone behind him. Then, he politely said, “My name is Daniel.”
“That’s nice,” Grandma Eunice said, looking back at the TV.
The boys hurried past her and through the kitchen. Malcolm grabbed a box of cheese crackers. Seeing ketchup stains on Dandy’s shirt reminded him that he’d skipped lunch.
Before they reached the basement door, Malcolm heard music blaring so loud the walls rattled below. His stomach did a somersault.
He and Dandy rushed down the steps to an unforgivable sight. There was Cocoa, bopping to the music, snapping her fingers and mouthing the words. Her neon lip gloss had peeled into crusty clumps, looking a lot like the algae in Malcolm’s fish tank.
Malcolm was thankful that Cocoa wasn’t really singing. Her yowling was ten times worse than her dancing. He reached back and unplugged the CD player.
“Hey, nerd!” Cocoa hollered. “I need to practice for the lip-synch contest next week. This is important.”
“You can practice,” Malcolm said. “But not here. Out!”
“You don’t own this basement!” she said. She planted her hands so firmly on her hips, her knuckles turned white.
“This is my lab. Get out!”
Dandy sat on the bottom step, picking his nose. “What did you want to show me?”
“Not yet,” Malcolm said, staring his sister down.
“I’m not leaving,” Cocoa said.
“Are too.”
“Am not.”
“Are too.”
Dandy walked over and took the box of cheese crackers from Malcolm’s hand. He removed his finger from his nose, popped open the lid, and dug in.
“Ewww, your friend is gross!” Cocoa cried.
“At least his boogers end up in his mouth and not all over his lips like yours,” Malcolm said.
Cocoa smacked her lips together, causing the lip gloss to curl even more. “By the way, where’s my blow-dryer?”
Dandy slowly backed away, looking at the floor. Cocoa gave him a suspicious look. “Where is it?”
“Why don’t you go upstairs and look for it?” Malcolm suggested.
“I’m not leaving,” she said, turning around and plugging the music back in.
“Fine,” Malcolm said.
He headed over to his chemistry set. Dandy followed.
Malcolm took the Bubble Wrap from the specter detector and placed it on the floor behind the counter.
“What are you doing?” Dandy asked, spraying cracker crumbs.
“Getting rid of my sister.” Malcolm took a clear beaker and filled it with vinegar. Then he poured in an entire bottle of blue food coloring. After that he grabbed a handful of white powder.
Dandy took a step back and held his nose.
“Don’t worry,” Malcolm said. “It’s not another stink bomb. It’s baking soda. When I say now, you jump.”
Malcolm put the beaker on the counter and waited until Cocoa was totally engrossed in her performance. Then, he tossed the baking soda into the beaker. Blue foam boiled up.
“Ahhhhhhhh!” Malcolm screamed, slapping both hands to his face.
Cocoa clicked off the CD player in a panic. “What is it?”
Malcolm’s eyes grew wide with fake fear. “Ahhhhh! I put in the wrong chemical,” Malcolm shouted. “The whole basement is going to blow. Run! Now!”