Abnormal Psychology. William J. Ray

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Abnormal Psychology - William J. Ray

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who played a critical role in advancing treatment?

      9 Descartes created a mind–body distinction that science since that time has had to address: How can a material body including the brain be influenced by an immaterial process such as the mind? How can a thought influence a cell in the brain? How would you handle the mind–body problem?

      10 What we now know about the structure and function of the human brain and nervous system has developed across many times and places. Bring together in a model the pieces you consider important to your current understanding of the human brain and nervous system.

      11 Describe the contributions of the following individuals from different perspectives to the field of psychological treatment as a whole: Sigmund Freud, Hans Strupp, Carl Rogers, Leslie Greenberg, B. F. Skinner, Albert Bandura, and Aaron Beck.

      For Further Reading

      Andreasen, N. (2001). Brave new brain. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

      Beck, A. (1967). Depression: Clinical, experimental, and theoretical aspects. New York, NY: Harper & Row.

      Beck, J. (2011). Cognitive behavioral therapy (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Guilford Press.

      Cheney, T. (2008). Manic. New York, NY: William Morrow.

      Darwin, C. (1859). On the origin of species by means of natural selection. London, UK: John Murray.

      Freud, S. (1966). Project for a scientific psychology. Standard Edition, 1, 281–397. (Original work published 1895)

      Kandel, E. (2005). Psychiatry, psychoanalysis, and the new biology of mind. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publications.

      Kandel, E. (2012). The age of insight: The quest to understand the unconscious in art, mind, and brain, from Vienna 1900 to the present. New York, NY: Random House.

      Kottler, J. (2006). Divine madness: Ten stories of creative struggle. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

      Nasar, S. (1998). A beautiful mind. New York, NY: Simon & Schuster.

      Pribram, K., & Gill, M. (1976). Freud’s “project” re-assessed. New York, NY: Basic Books.

      Skinner, B. F. (1974). About behaviorism. New York, NY: Random House.

      Strupp, H., & Binder, J. (1984). Psychotherapy in a new key. New York, NY: Basic Books.

      Key Terms and Concepts

       abnormal psychology 3

       behavioral and experiential perspective 5

       behavioral perspective 31

       classical conditioning 32

       client-centered therapy 30

       cognitive behavioral perspective 33

       cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) 34

       cultural perspective 9

       emotion-focused therapy 30

       evolutionary perspective 6

       existential-humanistic perspective 29

       extinction 32

       hierarchical integration 20

       levels of analysis 6

       mindfulness 31

       natural selection 21

       neuroscience perspective 6

       observational learning (or modeling) 33

       operant conditioning 33

       psychoanalysis 29

       psychodynamic perspective 28

       psychopathology 3

       reinforcement 33

       sexual selection 21

       signs 22

       stigma 5

       symptoms 22

       syndrome 22

       variation 21


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      2 Neuroscience Approaches to Understanding Psychopathology

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      Monty Rakusen/Cultura/Getty Images

      Chapter Outline

        The Growing Importance of Neuroscience, Genetics, and an Evolutionary Perspective

        Brain Anatomy, Neurons, and Neurotransmitters

       A Quick Review of Brain Anatomy and Function

       Neurons and Neural Transmission

        How Does the Neuron Pass Information?

        Major Neurotransmitters

        Encoding Information

        How Do We Observe the Brain at Work?


        Evoked Potentials


       Positron Emission Tomography

       Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

        Diffusion Tensor Imaging


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