Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works. Knowledge house

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Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works - Knowledge house

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the Lord Justice and the other Judges.]

      second citizen

      Who is he in scarlet? Is he the headsman?

      third citizen

      Nay, he is the Lord Justice.

      [Enter Guido guarded.]

      second citizen

      There be the prisoner surely.

      third citizen

      He looks honest.

      first citizen

      That be his villany: knaves nowadays do look ·122· so honest that honest folk are forced to look like knaves so as to be different.

      [Enter the Headsman, who takes his stand behind Guido.]

      second citizen

      Yon be the headsman then! O Lord! Is the axe sharp, think you?

      first citizen

      Ay! sharper than thy wits are; but the edge is not towards him, mark you.

      second citizen [scratching his neck]

      I’ faith, I like it not so near.

      first citizen

      Tut, thou need’st not be afraid; they never cut the heads off common folk: they do but hang us.

      [Trumpets outside.]

      third citizen

      What are the trumpets for? Is the trial over?

      first citizen

      Nay, ’tis for the Duchess.

      [Enter the Duchess in black velvet; her train of ·123· flowered black velvet is carried by two pages in violet; with her is the Cardinal in scarlet, and the gentlemen of the Court in black; she takes her seat on the throne above the Judges, who rise and take their caps off as she enters; the Cardinal sits next to her a little lower; the Courtiers group themselves about the throne.]

      second citizen

      O poor lady, how pale she is! Will she sit there?

      first citizen

      Ay! she is in the Duke’s place now.

      second citizen

      That is a good thing for Padua; the Duchess is a very kind and merciful Duchess; why, she cured my child of the ague once.

      third citizen

      Ay, and has given us bread: do not forget the bread.

      a soldier

      Stand back, good people.

      ·124· second citizen

      If we be good, why should we stand back?


      Silence in the Court!

      lord justice

      May it please your Grace,

      Is it your pleasure we proceed to trial

      Of the Duke’s murder? [Duchess bows.]

      Set the prisoner forth.

      What is thy name?


      It matters not, my lord.

      lord justice

      Guido Ferranti is thy name in Padua.


      A man may die as well under that name as any other.

      lord justice

      Thou art not ignorant

      What dreadful charge men lay against thee here,

      Namely, the treacherous murder of thy Lord,

      ·125· Simone Gesso, Duke of Padua;

      What dost thou say in answer?


      I say nothing.

      lord justice [rising]

      Guido Ferranti——

      moranzone [stepping from the crowd]

      Tarry, my Lord Justice.

      lord justice

      Who art thou that bid’st justice tarry, sir?


      So be it justice it can go its way;

      But if it be not justice——

      lord justice

      Who is this?

      count bardi

      A very noble gentleman, and well known

      To the late Duke.

      lord justice

      Sir, thou art come in time

      To see the murder of the Duke avenged.

      There stands the man who did this heinous thing.


      ·126· My lord,

      I ask again what proof have ye?

      lord justice [holding up the dagger]

      This dagger,

      Which from his blood-stained hands, itself all blood,

      Last night the soldiers seized: what further proof

      Need we indeed?

      moranzone [takes the dagger and approaches the Duchess]

      Saw I not such a dagger

      Hang from your Grace’s girdle yesterday?

      [The Duchess shudders and makes no answer.]

      Ah! my Lord Justice, may I speak a moment

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