Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works. Knowledge house

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Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works - Knowledge house

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this young man, who in such peril stands?

      lord justice

      Ay, willingly, my lord, and may you turn him

      To make a full avowal of his guilt.

      [Lord Moranzone goes over to Guido, who stands R. and clutches him by the hand.]

      ·127· moranzone [in a low voice]

      She did it! Nay, I saw it in her eyes.

      Boy, dost thou think I’ll let thy father’s son

      Be by this woman butchered to his death?

      Her husband sold your father, and the wife

      Would sell the son in turn.


      Lord Moranzone,

      I alone did this thing: be satisfied,

      My father is avenged.

      lord justice

      Doth he confess?


      My lord, I do confess

      That foul unnatural murder has been done.

      first citizen

      Why, look at that: he has a pitiful heart, and does not like murder; they will let him go for that.

      lord justice

      Say you no more?


      My lord, I say this also,

      That to spill human blood is deadly sin.

      ·128· second citizen

      Marry, he should tell that to the headsman: ’tis a good sentiment.


      Lastly, my lord, I do entreat the Court

      To give me leave to utter openly

      The dreadful secret of this mystery,

      And to point out the very guilty one

      Who with this dagger last night slew the Duke.

      lord justice

      Thou hast leave to speak.

      duchess [rising]

      I say he shall not speak:

      What need have we of further evidence?

      Was he not taken in the house at night

      In Guilt’s own bloody livery?

      lord justice [showing her the statute]

      Your Grace

      Can read the law.

      duchess [waiving book aside]

      Bethink you, my Lord Justice,

      Is it not very like that such a one

      May, in the presence of the people here,

      ·129· Utter some slanderous word against my Lord,

      Against the city, or the city’s honour,

      Perchance against myself.

      lord justice

      My liege, the law.


      He shall not speak, but, with gags in his mouth,

      Shall climb the ladder to the bloody block.

      lord justice

      The law, my liege.


      We are not bound by law,

      But with it we bind others.


      My Lord Justice,

      Thou wilt not suffer this injustice here.

      lord justice

      The Court needs not thy voice, Lord Moranzone.

      Madam, it were a precedent most evil

      To wrest the law from its appointed course,

      For, though the cause be just, yet anarchy

      Might on this licence touch these golden scales

      And unjust causes unjust victories gain.

      ·130· count bardi

      I do not think your Grace can stay the law.


      Ay, it is well to preach and prate of law:

      Methinks, my haughty lords of Padua,

      If ye are hurt in pocket or estate,

      So much as makes your monstrous revenues

      Less by the value of one ferry toll,

      Ye do not wait the tedious law’s delay

      With such sweet patience as ye counsel me.

      count bardi

      Madam, I think you wrong our nobles here.


      I think I wrong them not. Which of you all

      Finding a thief within his house at night,

      With some poor chattel thrust into his rags,

      Will stop and parley with him? do ye not

      Give him unto the officer and his hook

      To be dragged gaolwards straightway?

      And so now,

      Had ye been men, finding this fellow here,

      With my Lord’s life still hot upon his hands,

      ·131· Ye would have haled him out

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