Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works. Knowledge house

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Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works - Knowledge house

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with a hook hale the poor body out,

      And throw it in a ditch: the body, ay,—

      What of the soul? that goes to heaven or hell.

      Where will mine go?

      [Takes the torch from the wall, and goes over to the bed.]

      How peacefully here he sleeps,

      Like a young schoolboy tired out with play:

      I would that I could sleep so peacefully,

      But I have dreams. [Bending over him.]

      Poor boy: what if I kissed him?

      No, no, my lips would burn him like a fire.

      ·161· He has had enough of Love. Still that white neck

      Will ’scape the headsman: I have seen to that:

      He will get hence from Padua to-night,

      And that is well. You are very wise, Lord Justices,

      And yet you are not half so wise as I am,

      And that is well.

      O God! how I have loved you,

      And what a bloody flower did Love bear!

      [Comes back to the table.]

      What if I drank these juices, and so ceased?

      Were it not better than to wait till Death

      Come to my bed with all his serving men,

      Remorse, disease, old age, and misery?

      I wonder does one suffer much: I think

      That I am very young to die like this,

      But so it must be. Why, why should I die?

      He will escape to-night, and so his blood

      Will not be on my head. No, I must die;

      I have been guilty, therefore I must die;

      He loves me not, and therefore I must die:

      I would die happier if he would kiss me,

      But he will not do that. I did not know him.

      ·162· I thought he meant to sell me to the Judge;

      That is not strange; we women never know

      Our lovers till they leave us.

      [Bell begins to toll]

      Thou vile bell,

      That like a bloodhound from thy brazen throat

      Call’st for this man’s life, cease! thou shalt not get it.

      He stirs—I must be quick: [Takes up cup.]

      O Love, Love, Love,

      I did not think that I would pledge thee thus!

      [Drinks poison, and sets the cup down on the table behind her: the noise wakens Guido, who starts up, and does not see what she has done. There is silence for a minute, each looking at the other.]

      I do not come to ask your pardon now,

      Seeing I know I stand beyond all pardon;

      Enough of that: I have already, sir,

      Confessed my sin to the Lords Justices;

      They would not listen to me: and some said

      I did invent a tale to save your life;

      You have trafficked with me; others said

      That women played with pity as with men;

      Others that grief for my slain Lord and husband

      ·163· Had robbed me of my wits: they would not hear me,

      And, when I sware it on the holy book,

      They bade the doctor cure me. They are ten,

      Ten against one, and they possess your life.

      They call me Duchess here in Padua.

      I do not know, sir; if I be the Duchess,

      I wrote your pardon, and they would not take it;

      They call it treason, say I taught them that;

      Maybe I did. Within an hour, Guido,

      They will be here, and drag you from the cell,

      And bind your hands behind your back, and bid you

      Kneel at the block: I am before them there;

      Here is the signet ring of Padua,

      ’Twill bring you safely through the men on guard;

      There is my cloak and vizard; they have orders

      Not to be curious: when you pass the gate

      Turn to the left, and at the second bridge

      You will find horses waiting: by to-morrow

      You will be at Venice, safe. [A pause.]

      Do you not speak?

      Will you not even curse me ere you go?—

      ·164· You have the right. [A pause.]

      You do not understand

      There lies between you and the headsman’s axe

      Hardly so much sand in the hour-glass

      As a child’s palm could carry: here is the ring:

      I have washed my hand: there is no blood upon it:

      You need not fear. Will you not take the ring?

      guido [takes ring and kisses it]

      Ay! gladly, Madam.


      And leave Padua.


      Leave Padua.


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