Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works. Knowledge house

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Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works - Knowledge house

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      But it must be to-night.


      To-night it shall be.


      Oh, thank God for that!


      So I can live; life never seemed so sweet

      As at this moment.

      ·165· duchess

      Do not tarry, Guido,

      There is my cloak: the horse is at the bridge,

      The second bridge below the ferry house:

      Why do you tarry? Can your ears not hear

      This dreadful bell, whose every ringing stroke

      Robs one brief minute from your boyish life.

      Go quickly.


      Ay! he will come soon enough.



      guido [calmly]

      Why, the headsman.


      No, no.


      Only he

      Can bring me out of Padua.


      You dare not!

      You dare not burden my o’erburdened soul

      With two dead men! I think one is enough.

      ·166· For when I stand before God, face to face,

      I would not have you, with a scarlet thread

      Around your white throat, coming up behind

      To say I did it.


      Madam, I wait.


      No, no, you cannot: you do not understand,

      I have less power in Padua to-night

      Than any common woman; they will kill you.

      I saw the scaffold as I crossed the square,

      Already the low rabble throng about it

      With fearful jests, and horrid merriment,

      As though it were a morris-dancer’s platform,

      And not Death’s sable throne. O Guido, Guido,

      You must escape!


      Madam, I tarry here.


      Guido, you shall not: it would be a thing

      So terrible that the amazed stars

      Would fall from heaven, and the palsied moon

      Be in her sphere eclipsed, and the great sun

      ·167· Refuse to shine upon the unjust earth

      Which saw thee die.


      Be sure I shall not stir.

      duchess [wringing her hands]

      Is one sin not enough, but must it breed

      A second sin more horrible again

      Than was the one that bare it? O God, God,

      Seal up sin’s teeming womb, and make it barren,

      I will not have more blood upon my hand

      Than I have now.

      guido [seizing her hand]

      What! am I fallen so low

      That I may not have leave to die for you?

      duchess [tearing her hand away]

      Die for me?—no, my life is a vile thing,

      Thrown to the miry highways of this world;

      You shall not die for me, you shall not, Guido;

      I am a guilty woman.


      Guilty?—let those

      Who know what a thing temptation is,

      ·168· Let those who have not walked as we have done,

      In the red fire of passion, those whose lives

      Are dull and colourless, in a word let those,

      If any such there be, who have not loved,

      Cast stones against you. As for me——



      guido [falling at her feet]

      You are my lady, and you are my love!

      O hair of gold, O crimson lips, O face

      Made for the luring and the love of man!

      Incarnate image of pure loveliness!

      Worshipping thee I do forget the past,

      Worshipping thee my soul comes close to thine,

      Worshipping thee I seem to be a god,

      And though they give my body to the block,

      Yet is my love eternal!

      [Duchess puts her hands over her face: Guido draws them down.]

      Sweet, lift up

      The trailing curtains that overhang your eyes


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