Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works. Knowledge house

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Oscar Wilde: The Complete Works - Knowledge house

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style="font-size:15px;">      [Hesitates for a moment.] Show him up—and I’m at home to any one who calls.

      ·2· parker

      Yes, my lady.

      [Exit C.

      lady windermere

      It’s best for me to see him before to-night. I’m glad he’s come.

      [Enter Parker C.


      Lord Darlington.

      [Enter Lord Darlington C.

      [Exit Parker.

      lord darlington

      How do you do, Lady Windermere?

      lady windermere

      How do you do, Lord Darlington? No, I can’t shake hands with you. My hands are all wet with these roses. Aren’t they lovely? They came up from Selby this morning.

      lord darlington

      They are quite perfect. [Sees a fan lying on the table.] And what a wonderful fan! May I look at it?

      lady windermere

      Do. Pretty, isn’t it! It’s got my name on it, and everything. I have only just seen it myself. ·3· It’s my husband’s birthday present to me. You know to-day is my birthday?

      lord darlington

      No? Is it really?

      lady windermere

      Yes, I’m of age to-day. Quite an important day in my life, isn’t it? That is why I am giving this party to-night. Do sit down. [Still arranging flowers.]

      lord darlington

      [Sitting down.] I wish I had known it was your birthday, Lady Windermere. I would have covered the whole street in front of your house with flowers for you to walk on. They are made for you. [A short pause.]

      lady windermere

      Lord Darlington, you annoyed me last night at the Foreign Office. I am afraid you are going to annoy me again.

      lord darlington

      I, Lady Windermere?

      [Enter Parker and Footman C., with tray and tea things.

      lady windermere

      Put it there, Parker. That will do. [Wipes her ·4· hands with her pocket-handkerchief, goes to tea-table L., and sits down.] Won’t you come over, Lord Darlington?

      [Exit Parker C.

      lord darlington

      [Takes chair and goes across L.C.] I am quite miserable, Lady Windermere. You must tell me what I did. [Sits down at table L.]

      lady windermere

      Well, you kept paying me elaborate compliments the whole evening.

      lord darlington

      [Smiling.] Ah, now-a-days we are all of us so hard up, that the only pleasant things to pay are compliments. They’re the only things we can pay.

      lady windermere

      [Shaking her head.] No, I am talking very seriously. You mustn’t laugh, I am quite serious. I don’t like compliments, and I don’t see why a man should think he is pleasing a woman enormously when he says to her a whole heap of things that he doesn’t mean.

      lord darlington

      Ah, but I did mean them. [Takes tea which she offers him.]

      ·5· lady windermere

      [Gravely.] I hope not. I should be sorry to have to quarrel with you, Lord Darlington. I like you very much, you know that. But I shouldn’t like you at all if I thought you were what most other men are. Believe me, you are better than most other men, and I sometimes think you pretend to be worse.

      lord darlington

      We all have our little vanities, Lady Windermere.

      lady windermere

      Why do you make that your special one? [Still seated at table L.]

      lord darlington

      [Still seated L.C.] Oh, now-a-days so many conceited people go about Society pretending to be good, that I think it shows rather a sweet and modest disposition to pretend to be bad. Besides, there is this to be said. If you pretend to be good, the world takes you very seriously. If you pretend to be bad, it doesn’t. Such is the astounding stupidity of optimism.

      lady windermere

      Don’t you want the world to take you seriously then, Lord Darlington?

      ·6· lord darlington

      No, not the world. Who are the people the world takes seriously? All the dull people one can think of, from the Bishops down to the bores. I should like you to take me very seriously, Lady Windermere, you more than any one else in life.

      lady windermere

      Why—why me?

      lord darlington

      [After a slight hesitation.] Because I think we might be great friends. Let us be great friends. You may want a friend some day.

      lady windermere

      Why do you say that?

      lord darlington

      Oh!—we all want friends at times.

      lady windermere

      I think we’re very good friends already, Lord Darlington. We can always remain so as long as you don’t——

      lord darlington

      Don’t what?

      lady windermere

      Don’t spoil it by saying extravagant silly things ·7· to me. You think I am a Puritan, I suppose? Well, I have something of the Puritan in me. I was brought up like that. I am glad of it. My mother died when I was a mere child. I lived always with Lady Julia, my father’s elder sister you know. She was stern to me, but she taught me, what the world is forgetting, the difference that there is between what is right and what is wrong. She allowed of no compromise. I allow of none.

      lord darlington


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