Pilgrim's Progress, The The. John Bunyan

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Pilgrim's Progress, The The - John Bunyan

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to run. Now, he had not run far from his own door, but his wife and children, perceiving it, began to cry after him to return; but the man put his fingers in his ears, and ran on, crying, Life! life! Eternal life!11 So he looked not behind him, but fled towards the middle of the plain.12


      OBSTINATE: What! said Obstinate, and leave our friends and our comforts behind us?

      OBSTINATE: What are the things you seek, since you leave all the world to find them?

      OBSTINATE: Tush! said Obstinate, away with your book; will you go back with us or no?

      PLIABLE: Then said Pliable, Don’t revile; if what the good Christian says is true, the things he looks after are better than ours: my heart inclines to go with my neighbour.

      OBSTINATE: What! more fools still! Be ruled by me, and go back; who knows whither such a brain-sick fellow will lead you? Go back, go back, and be wise.

      PLIABLE: Well, neighbour Obstinate, said Pliable, I begin to come to a point; I intend to go along with this good man, and to cast in my lot with him: but, my good companion, do you know the way to this desired place?

      CHRISTIAN: I am directed by a man, whose name is Evangelist, to speed me to a little gate that is before us, where we shall receive instructions about the way.

      PLIABLE: Come, then, good neighbour, let us be going. Then they went both together.

      OBSTINATE: And I will go back to my place, said Obstinate; I will be no companion of such misled, fantastical fellows.


      NOW, I saw in my dream, that when Obstinate was gone back, Christian and Pliable went talking over the plain; and thus they began their discourse.

      CHRISTIAN: Come, neighbour Pliable, how do you do? I am glad you are persuaded to go along with me. Had even Obstinate himself but felt what I have felt of the powers and terrors of what is yet unseen, he would not thus lightly have given us the back.


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