The Third. Covid liberalism. Almaz Braev
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The Germans remained true to the tradition of German semitones. They did not turn over their social pyramid. They didn’t destroy their middle class.
The remids are simply fanatics of the state. German revolutionaries, German waves of indignation, approached the remids just as the Russian peasants approached their landlords in a tight line. But they (the German middle class) were not liquidated, beaten to death, or stabbed. And listened them. The German remids, these German fanatics of Germany, the second Holy Roman Empire and state, seemed familiar to them. They saw themselves in them, but eventually the zerefs become zeremids, the zeremids become remids, everything is consistent and evolutionary. Even in reflection. (Who is this teacher or doctor? His great-grandfather or grandfather was also a peasant, and his father was a Philistine. A doctor and a teacher are successful careers. Well, a modern state cannot exist without them).
In the countries of the age-old despotism, the pyramid is reversed radically. There is no gradualness, but there is a jump. In addition, the proletarians did not come to lawyers, doctors and teachers for advice. And the doctors and teachers tell them silently about the great state with their lips. They were a pitiful, defenseless lot, just as clenched and disenfranchised.
In addition, if excited peasants came to the feudal lords and they did not agree, they destroyed them. What kind of peasant revolt is it? The meaningless and merciless… as the poet Pushkin called the Russian revolt
If we look at the facts. Then all the new leaders of the workers cut out the «exploiters» as the Eastern despots, but vice versa. Not the feudal despots cut peasant uprising of peasants, as it was not once but many times over the centuries, but now the Marxist leaders cut all feudal lords. They change places. The results of local evolution were carved with feudal precision. This is not only evident in Stalin’s repressions. Look at the exploits of the revolutionaries in Kampuchea. All the local intelligentsia, more or less educated people, were cut out at the root. Even the bespectacled, the person who wears glasses was the enemy.
Remids-statesmen cannot be destroyed. The middle class can’t be touched.
If this happened under Marxism or at the direction of the leader of the Asian peasantry. Then they themselves, like the Hydra, will have to replace the severed heads. Instead of demolished ones, put your own. But the whole problem is that the state will lose from the new evolution. The newly raised heads of the officials will look in the wrong direction. Not in the direction of state property, but in the direction of oneself. For the idea of the state is a failure. For the fate of the state this means failure. But now there is only the body of the state and the eternally hungry heads of officials. But why are they always hungry?
Zeref- a traditional person with rigidly set social actions, low reflection almost zero, hence the word zeref-reflection zero (zeref).). Has no semitones, serves the idols of the genus, communicates in the circle of native blood. Zeref has no semitones of perception, is categorical, irreconcilable, hostile to others and to another opinion in the development of rejection of «not your own»
Zerefs loop – the baby boom, overheating of the population.
Zerot- the traditional feudal elite
Zerots loop – the creating a solid cast, an impenetrable social barriers. None of the lower castes can enter the feudal elite. The lack of social mobility pre-revolutionary situation.
Remid – a New traditional elite, rulers, officials, authorities, teachers; remid put actions for zerefs, determine morality, laws, politics, reflection average-middle (remiddle).
Remids loop – the struggle of the elite with the brightest personality, the collusion of second and third parties against the hero and the prophet.
Refag- person of a trading civilization in several generations, reflection is high, selfish, utilitarian-refag (re + high).
Zeremid is a first-generation city person, has a half-rigid social reflex of custom and new skills of city life, half-urban, half-rural.
Zeremids loop – the zeremids are approximate imitators. They imitate the elite, any idea, any direction just to be good for their families. By imitation, hypocrisy, and even fanaticism, they harm any cause, state, or idea.
Zefa is a man from the first generation of the city with a tendency towards the market and speculation, and to trade, at least something, he was forced by circumstances.
revcon – revolutio-conservatism
When German zerefs and zeremids turned to their authority figures – evolutionary examples of how no one became someone: a doctor, a teacher, a lawyer – what were they told? Although in fact they never communicated, I will assume here, for the sake of discussion, that they did – and that the doctors, teachers, and lawyers did have something to tell those following in their footsteps. How did this German solidarity come about?
All those doctors, teachers, and lawyers (not to mention the small merchants and street vendors defined in Marxism) were the bourgeoisie (also defined in Marxism). Or the middle class, as we call it today. So who approached them, and why?
Recessions affect people regardless of their social class. But it is manual and office workers, peasants, and the poor who take the brunt. Bourgeois classes are different. As we can see, and as has been portrayed to us in the past, the uncontrollable greed of the upper bourgeoisie causes the market to overheat (as far as goods, capital, and speculation go). That adversely affects the market and market agents, and then the state itself. Mass layoffs result in unemployment. Needless to say, small profiteers stand as good a chance of going bankrupt as major factory owners. The state cannot help them (except maybe by giving out soup). Prices first soar so high public servants cannot afford to buy things they can’t do without; and then plummet as the market begins to lure buyers. Still, the public servants are essentially broke.
Times like these see everyone point their finger at the prime minister, not the largest exchange speculator. The prime minister is the one to blame! He has failed to prevent speculation. Ordinary people blame the recession on the government and, by extension, the state. Land-poor peasants and tenant farmers go bankrupt; they have to flock to cities, either because they don’t earn enough to pay the rent or because no one buys their produce. These zerefs, heirs of tradition, join the army of unemployed urban zeremids. The zeremids know for certain the blame lies with the state. But the rural zerefs go even further in searching for an answer to the question, «Who hung the government out to dry?» Those on your side could have never done such a thing. Only an enemy could. An enemy of the people and of the state.
To zerefs, all the harm comes from the enemy of the people, of the ethnos; to zeremids, the prime minister is the enemy. Doctors and teachers, however, have no enemies. With that said, they might have some. After all, remids are former zeremids and zerefs. They, too, may know what office the enemy holds and what ethnic group they belong to. But remids are statists. They are the ones who have the weight of the general public on their shoulders. That’s why they agree that public officials are to blame, but they don’t think the state shares