A Smart Girl's Guide: Friendship Troubles (Revised). Patti Kelley Criswell
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You’ve heard the word your whole life—at home, in school, everywhere:
respect. “Respect adults,” “Respect yourself,” “Respect the rules,” “Be
respectful,” and so on.
So what does respect have to do with friendship?
Respect is what you offer
a friend because you
honor the friendship.
You could treat a friend rudely—nobody’s going to give you detention
or ground you if you do. But you choose not to do that. You want your
friend to know how much she means to you. Of all the things that can
bind two people together, respect may be the strongest.
Having respect for someone else means
• resisting the temptation to talk about your friend behind her back,
even when you’re angry.
• trusting that her intentions are good ones.
• believing her when she says she’s sorry.
• being happy for her even when you’re really jealous.
Showing a friend respect takes effort—but it’s worth it. With trust and
respect, you and your friend will have fewer problems, solve them more
easily, and enjoy each other a whole lot more.
The thing I look
for most in friends
is how open-minded
they are. I think it’s
important that my
friends can respect
me for who I am.
hot spots
So you’ve found a great friend. She has all the qualities you value most,
and in so many ways she’s perfect. That’s it. Right?
Uh-uh. It’s not that easy. Friendships need care every bit as much as that
flower in the garden needs water. Even the best of friends have problems
now and again. Maybe your feelings are hurt because your friend walked
home with someone else when you expected her to walk with you. Maybe
you’re annoyed because she calls ten times a night. Maybe you’re jealous
of her big success, or she’s jealous of yours. It isn’t as if your friendship is in
doubt, really, but things aren’t so wonderful, either.
You’ve hit a friendship hot spot. It’s probably not a big deal: a lot of
trouble comes from mistakes and miscommunication. But even a little
problem can rub and rub like a stone in your shoe until it makes a real
sore. The time to deal with it is now.
best friends?
A best friend can be as comforting as a cup of hot cocoa on a cold
winter’s night. She listens, she keeps your secrets, and when you’re
together, it just feels right. You feel safe and secure knowing she’s
there when you need her.
But there may be times when having a best friend makes you feel tied
down. Do you always need to sit with her at the movies? Can you never
be partners with someone new? What if you want to be close with
another girl, too? Is that OK? What if your best friend feels angry or
jealous? What do you do?
Are best friends a good idea or a bad one?
It depends. For some girls, having a best friend feels like too much
pressure. For others, it’s the only way to go. If that’s you, here are two
things to remember.
One: Don’t get into a tight relationship with just anybody. If you can’t
be yourself with a girl, then proclaiming yourselves “best friends” isn’t a
good idea. It’s better to let your friendship grow for a while. If you want
to get closer, work on the little conflicts that come along. Let her know
what you enjoy about her friendship and what you would like to see
Two: Even best friends aren’t best friends every single day. Friendships
are like a dance. You get close for a while, then you pull away, and then
you get close again. That’s normal. Keep talking to your friend when
you’re feeling more distant, but be sure you have other friends, too.
Never put all your energy into a single friendship. That way, if you and
your best friend aren’t doing well this week, you aren’t left out in the
cold. In the end, that means a lot less pressure on the friendship.
I like having a group of good
friends who all get along. That