School Rules! Writing. Emma MacLaren Henke

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School Rules! Writing - Emma MacLaren Henke American Girl

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      hit list

      Brainstorm ideas in the form of a list. Start by writing your topic at the top of

      the paper. Then divide the paper into three or four areas.

      Next, start to brainstorm the main points or ideas you might want to explore,

      putting one idea at the top of each area you marked off. Leave plenty of room

      below each of those ideas to brainstorm and list your supporting points.

      Learning to Canoe

      MAIN IDEA 1: summer camp

      -really wanted to go

      -first time, needed tons of supplies

      -didn’t know girls in cabin

      MAIN IDEA 2: canoe lessons

      -embarrassed because everyone

      else knew what to do

      -DON’T STAND UP!

      -different strokes

      MAIN IDEA 3: how I did it


      -working with team

      -Eagle Island!



      Boost your brainstorming

      by setting a timer for 5 or

      10 minutes. Keep writing

      ideas until the timer

      beeps—without judging!

      Just write down anything

      that comes to mind as fast

      as you can. When you’re

      done, look for the best

      ideas. There are some gold

      nuggets in there!


      question Yourself

      Take a look at your topic, and think about the basic questions you want to answer

      in your writing:

      Brainstorm answers (when you know them) and think of new questions, too.

      Learning to Canoe

      WHAT? learning to canoe

      WHO? me, along with summer camp


      WHERE? Camp Woodsy, on the lake

      WHEN? this summer

      WHY? wanted to try something new.

      Also, cabinmates all knew how and

      wanted me to canoe with them

      HOW? lessons and practice

      How did I FEEL?

      -nervous at first, wanted to fit in

      -embarrassed (fell out of canoe)

      -proud to canoe to Eagle Island


      Two More Questions

      Whichever brainstorm techniques you try, make

      sure to ask yourself two final questions:

      What is the main idea

      I want to share?

      What is my job or

      purpose for writing?

      The first question is simple. It helps you choose the main idea you’re going to

      write about before you actually start writing.


      I want to tell the story of how I learned to canoe.

      The second question is a bit trickier. The

      purpose of your writing is the job you want

      it to do. It’s the why.

      Writing can do lots of jobs, but three of the

      most important are to . . .


      A “piece” of writing (think PIE!) can do any or all of these jobs. For instance, a

      newspaper article about the weather informs. A story about a magical princess

      who uses her powers for good might entertain and persuade. A book review

      informs and persuades. Think about your purpose before you begin writing.


      I want to show how I learned to canoe.

      (I want to INFORM.)

      I think how I learned to canoe makes a good story.

      (I want to ENTERTAIN.)

      As you move forward, keep your main idea and purpose

      in mind to keep your writing on the right track!


      Order, order

      Use outlines to organize your ideas.

      Making an outline helps you put your ideas in order before you start writing.

      Think of it as a map showing how you’ll connect your brainstorm ideas, moving

      from the beginning of your piece to the end. When you start writing, the outline

      will keep you from getting stuck and wondering what should come next.

      Here’s how:

      Look at your brainstorm notes and decide which order to put your main

      ideas in—from first to last, from beginning to middle to end.

      Write each main idea in order and number it,

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