Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong
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chí 迟 TRAD 遲 ADJ late
chídào 迟到 V come late, be late (for work, school, etc.)
chíhuǎn 迟缓 ADJ (of movement) slow, sluggish
chíyí 迟疑 V hesitate, waver
chí 持 V persevere
chíjiǔ 持久 ADJ enduring, lasting
chíxù 持续 V continue, sustain, persist
chí 匙 N spoon
chí 驰 TRAD 馳 V move quickly, gallop
chǐ 尺 I N ruler (把 bǎ) II M. WD a traditional Chinese unit of length (equal to 1/3 meter)
chǐcun 尺寸 N size, measurements
chǐmǎ 尺码 N size (of shoes, shirts, ready-made clothing, etc.)
chǐ 侈 ADJ wasteful (See 奢侈 shēchǐ)
chǐ 齿 TRAD 齒 N tooth, teeth
chǐlún 齿轮 N gear wheel, gear
chǐ 耻 TRAD 恥 N shame
chǐrǔ 耻辱 N deep shame, humiliation
chì 赤 ADJ red
chìdào 赤道 N the equator
chìzì 赤字 N the number in red, deficit
chì 翅 N wing
chìbǎng 翅膀 N wing (of a bird)
chì 斥 V scold, shout at
chōng 冲 TRAD 衝 V 1 clash 2 charge, rush, dash
chōngfēng 冲锋 V (of troops) charge, assault
chōnglàng 冲浪 V surf
chōngpò 冲破 V break through, breach
chōngtū 冲突 I V clash II N conflict, clash
chōng 充 ADJ sufficient, full
chōngfèn 充分 ADJ abundant, ample, adequate
chōngmǎn 充满 ADJ full of, be filled with
chōngpèi 充沛 ADJ abundant, plentiful
chōngshí 充实 I ADJ substantial II V strengthen, enrich
chōngzú 充足 ADJ sufficient, adequate, enough
chóng 虫 TRAD 蟲 N insect, worm
chóngzi 虫子 N insect, worm
chóng 重 ADV again, once again
chóngdié 重叠 V overlap
chóngfù 重复 V repeat
chóngxīn 重新 ADV Same as 重 chóng
chóng 崇 ADJ high, lofty
chóngbài 崇拜 V worship, adore
chónggāo 崇高 ADJ lofty, sublime
chóngjìng 崇敬 V hold in high esteem, revere
chǒng 宠 TRAD 寵 V pamper, indulge
chǒngwù 宠物 N pet
chòng 冲 ADJ strong, forceful
chōu 抽 V take out (from in-between)
chōukòng 抽空 V manage to find time
chōushuījī 抽水机 N water pump
chōuti 抽屉 N drawer
chōuxiàng 抽象 ADJ abstract
chōuyān 抽烟 V smoke a cigarette (cigar), smoke
chóu 绸 TRAD 綢 N silk (See 丝绸 sīchóu)
chóuduàn 绸缎 N satin
chóu 愁 V worry
chóu 酬 V reward
chóu 稠 ADJ thick, dense
chóumì 稠密 ADJ dense
chóu 筹 TRAD 籌 V prepare
chóubèi 筹备 V prepare (a conference, an event, etc.)
chóujiàn 筹建 V prepare to construct (a factory, a school, etc.)
chóu 仇 N deep hatred
chǒu 丑 TRAD 醜 ADJ ugly
chǒu’è 丑恶 ADJ ugly, hideous
chǒuwén 丑闻 N scandal
chòu 臭 ADJ smelly, stinking
chū 出 V emerge from, go out, exit
chūbǎn 出版 V publish
chūchāi 出差 V be on a business trip, leave town on business
chūchǎn 出产 V produce, manufacture
chūdòng 出动 V set out, go into action
chūfā 出发 V set off (on a journey), start (a journey)
chūguó 出国 V go abroad, go overseas
chūjìng 出境 V leave the country, exit
chūkǒu 出口 I V 1 export 2 speak, utter II N exit
chūlai 出来 V come out
chūlù 出路 N outlet, way out
chūmài 出卖 V 1 sell, be for sale 2 betray, sell out
chūmén 出门 V leave home, go out
chūmiàn 出面 V act in the name of
chūmíng 出名 ADJ famous, well-known
chūnà 出纳 N Same as 出纳员 chūnà yuán
chūnàyuán 出纳员 N cashier
chūpǐn 出品 N product
chūqu 出去 V go out
chūrù 出入 I V go