Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong
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dàshī 大师 N master (of art or scholarship)
dàshǐ 大使 N ambassador
dàshǐguǎn 大使馆 N embassy
dàshì 大事 N matter of importance
dàsī 大肆 ADV wantonly, without restraint
dàtǐ 大体 N on the whole, in the main
Dàxīyáng 大西洋 N Atlantic Ocean
dàxiǎo 大小 N size
dàxíng 大型 ADJ large-scale, large-sized
dàxué 大学 N university
Dàyángzhōu 大洋洲 N Oceania
dàyī 大衣 N overcoat
dàyì 大意 N rough idea
dàyuē 大约 ADJ, ADV approximate, approximately, about, nearly
dàzhì 大致 ADJ rough, general
dàzhòng 大众 N the masses
dàzìrán 大自然 N Nature, Mother Nature
dāi 呆 I ADJ foolish, stupid II V Same as 待 dāi
dāi 待 V stay
dǎi 歹 ADJ bad, evil
dǎitú 歹徒 N bad guy, criminal
dài 大 as in 丈夫 dàifu.
dàifu 大夫 N doctor. Same as 医 生 yīshēng, used more as a colloquialism.
dài 代1 N 1 generation 2 dynasty
dài 代2 V take the place of, perform on behalf of
dàibàn 代办 I V do or act for another II N charge d’affaires
dàibiǎo 代表 I N representative, delegate II V represent, indicate
dàibiǎotuán 代表团 N delegation, mission
dàicí 代词 N pronoun
dàihào 代号 N code name
dàijià 代价 N price (for achieving something), cost
dàilǐ 代理 V act on behalf of, act as agent
dàishù 代数 N algebra
dàitì 代替 V substitute for, replace
dàiyùn māma 代孕妈妈 N surrogate mother
dài 贷 TRAD 貸 V loan
dàikuǎn 贷款 I N loan II V loan money to, borrow money from
dài 带1 TRAD 帶 V bring, take
dàidòng 带动 V spur on
dàijìn 带劲 ADJ 1 interesting, exciting 2 energetic, forceful
dàilai/dài...lái 带来/带…来 V bring ...
dàilǐng 带领 V lead, guide
dàiqu/dài...qù 带去/带…去 V take
dàitóu 带头 V take the lead, be the first
dài 带2 TRAD 帶 N belt, ribbon, band
dài 带3 TRAD 帶 N zone, area
dài 待 V 1 treat, deal with 2 wait for
dàiyù 待遇 N 1 treatment 2 remuneration
dài 逮 V catch
dàibǔ 逮捕 V arrest, take into custody
dài 袋 N sack, bag
dài 戴 V wear, put on
dài 怠 ADJ idle, slack
dàigōng 怠工 N slowdown (as workers’ protest)
dàimàn 怠慢 V slight, give the cold shoulder to
dān 单 TRAD 單 ADJ single, separate
dānchún 单纯 ADJ simple-minded, ingenuous
dāncí 单词 N word
dāndiào 单调 ADJ monotonous
dāndú 单独 ADJ alone, on one’s own
dānqīn jiātíng 单亲家庭 N single-parent family
dānshēn guìzú 单身贵族 N a single person with lots of money to spend, yuppy
dānwèi 单位 N work unit, e.g. a factory, a school, a government department
dānyuán 单元 N unit (in an apartment house), apartment, flat
dān 丹 N red color
dān 担 TRAD 擔 V carry on the shoulder, take on (responsibility, burden etc)
dānbǎo 担保 V guarantee, vouch for
dānfù 担负 V take on (responsibility), meet (expenditure), hold (a position)
dānrèn 担任 V assume the office of, act in the capacity of
dānxīn 担心 V worry, fret
dānyōu 担忧 V worry
dān 耽 V delay
dānwù 耽误 V delay
dǎn 胆 TRAD 膽 N 1 gallbladder 2 courage
dǎnliàng 胆量 N courage, guts
dǎnqiè 胆怯 ADJ timid, cowardly
dàn 旦 N dawn (See 元旦 yuán dàn)
dàn 但 CONJ Same as 但是 dànshì. Used in writing.
dànshì 但是 CONJ but, yet
dàn 担 TRAD 擔 N load, burden
dàn 淡 ADJ 1 not salty, tasteless, bland 2 (of tea, coffee) weak
dàn 氮 nitrogen
dàn 蛋 N egg (especially chicken egg)