Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong
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diǎnrán 点燃 V kindle, ignite
diǎnxīn 点心 N snack, light refreshments
diǎnzhōng 点钟 N o’clock
diǎnzhuì 点缀 V embellish, decorate
diǎnzi 点子 N idea
diǎn 典 N standard, law
diǎnlǐ 典礼 N ceremony
diǎnxíng 典型 ADJ typical, representative
diàn 电 TRAD 電 N electricity, power, electronic
diànbào 电报 N telegram, cable
diànchē 电车 N trolley bus, streetcar
diànchí 电池 N battery, electrical cell
diàndēng 电灯 N electric light
diàndòngjī 电动机 N (electric) motor
diànfēngshàn 电风扇 N Same as 电 扇 diànshàn
diànhuà 电话 N telephone, telephone call
diànlán 电缆 N (electric) cable
diànlì 电力 N electric power, power
diànlíng 电铃 N electric bell
diànlú 电炉 N electric stove, hot plate
diànlù 电路 N electric circuit
diànnǎo 电脑 N computer
diànniǔ 电钮 N switch (on an electrical appliance)
diànqì 电器 N electrical appliance
diànshàn 电扇 N electric fan
diànshì 电视 N television
diàntái 电台 N radio station
diàntī 电梯 N elevator, lift
diànyǐng 电影 N movie, film
diànyuán 电源 N power supply, mains
diànzǐ 电子 N electron
diànzǐshū yuèdúqì 电子书阅读器 N e-reader
diànzǐ yóujiàn 电子邮件 N email, e-mail
diànzǐ yóuxì 电子游戏 N electronic games
diàn 垫 TRAD 墊 I V put something under something else to raise it or make it level II N mat, pad, cushion
diàn 店 N Same as 商店 shāng diàn
diànyuán 店员 N sales clerk, shop assistant
diàn 惦 V keep thinking about, remember with concern
diànji 惦记 V keep thinking about, remember with concern
diàn 淀 as in 淀粉 diànfěn
diànfěn 淀粉 N starch, amylum
diàn 殿 N hall (in a palace, temple, etc.)
diāo 雕 V carve
diāokè 雕刻 V carve, engrave (a work of art)
diāosù 雕塑 N sculpture
diāosùjiā 雕塑家 N sculptor
diāoxiàng 雕像 N statue
diāo 刁 ADJ sly, tricky
diāonàn 刁难 V to make things difficult (for someone), create difficulties
diāo 叼 V hold in the mouth
diào 掉 V fall, drop
diào 钓 TRAD 釣 V to fish with hook and line, angle
diào 调 TRAD 調 V 1 exchange, swap 2 transfer
diàochá 调查 I V investigate II N investigation
diàodòng 调动 V transfer to another post
diàodù 调度 V dispatch (vehicles or workers)
diàohuàn 调换 V exchange (a purchase, a seat, etc.)
diào 吊 TRAD 弔 V hang, suspend
diàochē 吊车 N crane (a heavy machine)
diàohuán 吊环 N rings (in gymnastics)
diàoxiāo 吊销 V revoke (a license, a permit, a certificate, etc.)
diē 跌 V 1 fall, tumble 2 (prices) fall, drop
diē 爹 N dad, daddy
dié 碟 N small dish, small plate
dié 蝶 N butterfly
dié 叠 TRAD 疊 V pile up
dīng 丁 N small cube
dīng 钉 TRAD 釘 N (metal) nail
dīng 叮 V 1 (of mosquitos) bite 2 remind repeatedly
dīngzhǔ 叮嘱 V urge repeatedly, exhort
dīng 盯 V gaze, stare
dǐng 顶 TRAD 頂 I N top (of the head), peak, summit II V carry on the head, hit with the head
dǐngdiǎn 顶点 N zenith, apex
dǐngduān 顶端 N top, peak
dìng 订 TRAD 訂 V book
dìnggòu 订购 V place an order
dìnghù 订户 N subscriber (to a newspaper or magazine)
dìnghūn 订婚 V be engaged (for marriage)
dìnghuò 订货 V order goods (in bulk), order
dìngyuè 订阅 V subscribe (a newspaper or magazine)
dìng 钉 TRAD 釘 V drive a nail into
dìng 定 I V fix, set, determine II ADJ fixed, set, decided
dìng’é 定额 N quota (for sales, production, etc.)
dìngjià 定价 N fixed