Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong
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fēngmǎn 丰满 ADJ 1 plump 2 plentiful
fēngshōu 丰收 N bumper harvest
fēng 封 I M. WD (for letters) II V seal, block
fēngbì 封闭 V close, seal
fēngjiàn 封建 ADJ 1 feudal 2 traditional (in a bad sense)
fēngsuǒ 封锁 V block, seal off
fēng 风 TRAD 風 N wind
fēngbào 风暴 N windstorm
fēngdù 风度 N bearing, (elegant) demeanor
fēnggé 风格 N style (of doing things)
fēngguāng 风光 N scenery, sight
fēngjǐng 风景 N landscape, scenery
fēnglàng 风浪 I N high winds and big waves II ADJ stormy
fēnglì 风力 N wind force, wind power
fēngqì 风气 N general mood and common practice (of a society, a locality or an organization)
fēngqù 风趣 N humor, wit
fēngshā 风沙 N sand blown up by winds
fēngshàng 风尚 N prevailing norm or practice (in a positive sense)
fēngshībìng 风湿病 N rheumatism
fēngsú 风俗 N custom, social customs
fēngwèi 风味 N special flavor, local color
fēngxiǎn 风险 N risk
fēngzheng 风筝 N kite
fēng 疯 TRAD 瘋 ADJ insane, crazy
fēngkuáng 疯狂 ADJ insane, frenzied
fēngzi 疯子 N lunatic, a crazy guy
fēng 蜂 N wasp, bee
fēngmì 蜂蜜 N honey
fēng 峰 N mountain peak, peak (See 山峰 shānfēng)
fēng 锋 TRAD 鋒 N sharp point of a knife
fēnglì 锋利 ADJ sharp
féng 逢 V come upon, meet
féng 缝 TRAD 縫 N sew
fěng 讽 TRAD 諷 V satirize
fěngcì 讽刺 I N satire II V use satire, satirize
fèng 奉 V offer, obey, believe in
fèngxiàn 奉献 V offer as a tribute, present with respect
fèngxíng 奉行 V believe in and act upon, pursue (a policy, principle, etc.)
fèng 凤 TRAD 鳳 N as in 凤凰 fènghuáng
fènghuáng 凤凰 N a mythical bird symbolic of peace and prosperity, phoenix
fèng 缝 TRAD 縫 N seam
Fó 佛 N Buddha
Fójiào 佛教 N Buddhism
fǒu 否 V negate
fǒudìng 否定 V negate, deny
fǒujué 否决 V vote down, veto, overrule
fǒurèn 否认 V deny, repudiate
fǒuzé 否则 CONJ otherwise, or
fū 夫 N man, husband
fūfù 夫妇 N Same as 夫妻 fūqī
fūqī 夫妻 N husband and wife
fūrén 夫人 N (formal term for another person’s) wife
fū 肤 TRAD 膚 N skin (See 皮肤 pífū)
fū 敷 V apply
fūyǎn 敷衍 V go through the motions, be perfunctory
fú 扶 V support with the hand
fú 佛 (only used in 仿佛 fǎngfú)
fú 服 I V obey II N clothing
fúcóng 服从 V obey, submit to
fúqì 服气 V be convinced
fúwù 服务 V serve, work for
fúwùqì 服务器 N (of computer) server
fúwùyè 服务业 N service industry
fúwùyuán 服务员 N attendant, waiter/waitress
fúzhuāng 服装 N garments, apparel
fú 浮 V float
fúdiāo 浮雕 N relief sculpture
fúdòng 浮动 V float, fluctuate
fú 俘 V capture
fúlǔ 俘虏 N captive, prisoner of war
fú 幅 M. WD (for pictures, posters, maps, etc.)
fúdù 幅度 N range, extent
fú 福 N blessing, happiness
fúlì 福利 N welfare, well-being
fúqì 福气 N good fortune
fú 辐 TRAD 輻 N (of a wheel) spoke
fúshè 辐射 I V radiate, spread out II N (nuclear) radiation
fú 符 V be in accord
fúhào 符号 N symbol, mark
fúhé 符合 V conform to, accord with
fú 伏 V bend over
fú 袱 TRAD 袱 N cloth-wrapper
fǔ 抚 TRAD 撫 V 1 touch softly 2 foster (a child)
fǔyǎng 抚养 V bring up (a child), provide for (a child)
fǔyù 抚育 V bring up (a child), educate (a child)