Tuttle Pocket Chinese Dictionary. Li Dong
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fǔzhù 辅助 V assist, play an auxiliary role
fǔ 腐 ADJ rotten, decayed
fǔbài 腐败 I ADJ 1 badly decayed 2 corrupt II N corruption
fǔhuà 腐化 ADJ degenerate, corrupt
fǔlàn 腐烂 ADJ decomposed, putrid
fǔshí 腐蚀 V 1 corrode, etch 2 make (people) corrupt
fúxiǔ 腐朽 ADJ decayed, rotten
fù 父 N father
fùqin 父亲 N father
fù 赴 V go to, attend
fù 负 TRAD 負 V 1 carry on the back 2 shoulder, bear
fùdān 负担 I V bear (costs) II N burden, load
fùshāng 负伤 V get wounded, get injured
fùzé 负责 I V be responsible, be in charge II ADJ responsible
fù 妇 TRAD 婦 N woman
fùnǚ 妇女 N woman, womankind
fù 付 V pay
fùchù 付出 V pay out, contribute
fùkuǎn 付款 N pay a sum of money
fù 附 V 1 be close to 2 attach, add
fùdài 附带 ADJ additional
fùhé 附和 V chime in with, echo
fujiā 附加 ADJ extra
fùjìn 附近 N the area nearby
fùshǔ 附属 V attach, affiliate
fù 咐 V instruct (See 吩咐 fēnfù, 嘱 咐 zhǔfu)
fù 复 TRAD 復 ADJ repeat, complex, compound
fùhé 复合 V compound
Fùhuójié 复活节 N Easter
fùshù 复述 V retell, repeat
fùxí 复习 V review (one’s lesson)
fùxīng 复兴 V revive, rejuvenate
fùyìn 复印 V photocopy
fùzá 复杂 ADJ complicated, complex
fùzhì 复制 N copy, clone
fù 覆 V cover
fùgài 覆盖 V cover, cover up
fù 腹 N abdomen, belly
fù 副1 M. WD (for objects in pairs or sets) pair, set
fù 副2 ADJ 1 deputy, vice-... 2 secondary
fùshí 副食 N non-staple foodstuffs
fùyè 副业 N side occupation, sideline
fùzuòyòng 副作用 N side effect
fù 富 ADJ rich, wealthy
fùqiáng 富强 ADJ (of a country) rich and powerful
fùyǒu 富有 ADJ rich, affluent
fùyù 富裕 ADJ rich, well-to-do
fùyu 富余 V have more and to spare
fù 傅 N teacher, advisor (See 师 傅 shīfu)
fù 缚 TRAD 縛 V bind, tie up
gāi 该1 TRAD 該 MODAL V should, ought to
gāi 该2 TRAD 該 V 1 be somebody’s turn to do something 2 de serve
gāi 该3 TRAD 該 PRON that, the said, the above-mentioned
gǎi 改 V alter, change, correct
gǎibiàn 改变 I V transform, change II N change, transformation
gǎigé 改革 I V reform II N reform
gǎijiàn 改建 V rebuild
gǎijìn 改进 I V improve, make ... more advanced/sophisticated II N improvement (项 xiàng)
gǎiliáng 改良 V improve, reform
gǎishàn 改善 I V ameliorate, make... better/more favorable II N improvement, amelioration
gǎixiě 改写 V adapt, rewrite
gǎizào 改造 I V remold, rebuild, reform II N remolding, rebuilding
gǎizhèng 改正 V put ... right, rectify
gǎizǔ 改组 V re-organize
gài 盖1 TRAD 蓋 V build
gài 盖2 TRAD 蓋 N cover, lid
gài 概 ADJ broadly, general
gàikuàng 概况 N general situation, basic facts
gàikuò 概括 V summarize
gàiniàn 概念 N concept, notion
gài 溉 V irrigate (See 灌溉 guàngài)
gài 钙 N calcium
gān 甘 I V be willing, be convinced II ADJ sweet, pleasant
gānxīn 甘心 V be willing to, be ready to
gānzhe 甘蔗 N sugar cane
gān 干 TRAD 乾 ADJ dry
gānbēi 干杯 V drink a toast, “Bottoms up!”
gāncuì 干脆 I ADJ decisive, not hesitant, straight to the point II ADV just, simply
gānhàn 干旱 N drought, dry spell
gānhóng 干红 N dry red wine
gānjìng 干净 ADJ clean
gānshè 干涉 V intervene, interfere
gānyù 干预 V intervene, meddle with